
They Owe Trump BIG Money and Dems are Blocking it

The City of Chicago over-assessed the value of the Trump Tower in Chicago and President Donald J. Trump is owed $1.03 Million dollars in overpaid property taxes. But lo’ and behold, according to reports,  the Cook County State’s Attorney is filing suit to block it. It’s vindictive, it’s political, it’s the weaponization of the tax system, in other words: it’s the Democrats and it’s Chicago.

The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board ruled that Trump is due the $1.03 million due to an overestimation of value in the Tower’s hotel rooms and retail spaces by the Cook County Board of Review for the 2011 tax year. Naturally, Cook County is moving to appeal the decision, hence the lawsuit. The suit will be heard by the Illinois Appellate Court and from there could even see the Illinois Supreme Court.

The Chicago-Sun Times wrote, in a manner ENTIRELY missing the point:

“If Trump ends up with the tax refund, it would come out of property taxes due to the city of Chicago and eight other government agencies, including Chicago Public Schools, which stands to lose the biggest chunk of money, about $540,000.”


Naturally, the decade overdue refund has not been issued yet. Many mainstream sources reporting are so busy bemoaning that this money will no longer be going to Chicago schools and city needs, are ignoring the fact that these taxes were charged in error… it ISN’T THEIR MONEY!

It’s The Democrat’s Chicago-Style, Big Money Corruption

According to The Chicago-Sun Times, the sheer level of corruption at play here is astounding, Trump’s original attorney who since turned his back on him after being elected to the Chicago city council is now awaiting trial for enriching himself through his office. When you think about Burke and Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, Bill Barr, or even Sidney Powell,  you really have to admit, whether you’re a Trump supporter or not: that other than Rudy Giuliani, ‘the Don’ is really… really bad at finding good lawyers. Money and properties? Yeah, he’s very good at those, lawyers? Not so much.

“It’s the latest twist in the case originally filed by Ald. Edward M. Burke, whose law firm argued Cook County officials had over-assessed Trump’s skyscraper.

Burke’s former law firm Klafter & Burke had won more than $14 million in tax breaks for Trump over a dozen years, but the alderman ended the relationship in 2018, citing “irreconcilable differences” between the Chicago Democrat who represents a predominantly Hispanic 14th Ward, where residents objected to many of the Republican president’s policies.

Burke has since been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he blocked businesses from getting city permits unless they hired his law firm. He has left the firm, but remains on the City Council while awaiting trial

Trump’s current attorney, Patrick McNerney, couldn’t be reached for comment regarding the 2011 case that languished before the state agency for the past decade.”

And it gets even better, for an additional layer of corruption to propel this to maximum ridiculousness: JustTheNews reports,

“The Cook County State’s Attorney appealed to the Illinois Appellate Court on July 9. The Illinois Attorney General’s office later intervened on the case on the appeal board’s behalf.

When the Illinois Appellate Court makes a decision, it can be appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court, which is headed by Chief Justice Anne M. Burke, Burke’s wife.

Seriously… not making that up.

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