
Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes HUGE Announcement

The FBI’s big secret document has finally been seen by the entire House Oversight Committee and you won’t be hearing a word about this breaking story on the network news. For weeks, liberals including Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the committee, have been leaking misinformation which has just been debunked. Yes, the document exists. Yes, the tip is credible enough to be investigated. Yes, the investigation is still open. Yes, the source is credible. And finally, No, it didn’t have anything to do with Rudy Giuliani. While Democrats continue to question the hearsay aspect of where the source got it, that turns out to be the owner of Burisma, who paid the $10 million bribe. He kept records proving it, too.

Document reveals the truth

As soon as Georgia lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene came out of the special secure document viewing compartment, she briefed the press on exactly what we have all been waiting to hear. She also shot everything that Jamie Raskin has been spewing full of holes.

The source was a paid informant of the FBI. This had nothing to do with Giuliani. This has nothing to do with the information that he brought forward in 2020. It’s totally separate and it’s extremely credible because he’s a paid informant.” She took notes the second she got out of the box, while it was still fresh in her mind.

Back in 2015-2016, Ms. Greene explained, the document reveals that “Burisma was looking to buy a U.S. based oil and gas company.” That brilliant idea came from Hunter Biden and his partners. “Biden said [Viktor] Shokin was corrupt,” Greene relates. Burisma was having problems with the Ukrainian prosecutor and they “hired Hunter on the board to ‘make the problems go away.‘ That’s what they specifically said.

Biden thought he had a great idea to cash in but nobody else wanted to get behind it. “Hunter advised that they could raise more money if they bought a U.S. company.

The informant argued against that course of action. “The informant was trying to do the right thing and trying to advise Burisma that they shouldn’t go this route.” The paid informant advised they “should hire an attorney to work out their problems that they were being investigated for.

Not only that, they had big legal problems which had them under investigation by Shokin. “Why would you buy another U.S. company while you’re under investigation? That’s not a good idea.” They had a better idea. When he heard what it was, he dropped a dime to his buddies at the bureau. It’s all in the form FD-1023 document.

Ten million to the Bidens

The owner of Burisma didn’t have a high opinion of Hunter. He doesn’t say anything about him being on crack but did call him “stupid.” Devon Archer on the other hand, “was smart.” In that part of the world, they grease the deals through with money.

As Greene spells out in detail, after reading it in the document, Burisma’s owner “said that he paid 5 million to one Biden and he paid 5 million to another Biden and it was all a bribery to get Shokin fired and end the investigation into Burisma.” That’s exactly what happened.

He also told the informant that it was common practice in Russia and the Ukraine. It’s common practice, it’s part of business there, how their culture works that they will pay bribery money in order to get business deals done.

It’s so common that many businesses take bribery “into account they put it in their budget basically when they’re preparing to buy another company or start another company. That’s just normal.” Normal enough that they document it in their records.

After investing 10 million in the Bidens, Burisma’s owner wasn’t happy to see Trump win the election. “The informant had asked the owner of Burisma if he was happy that Trump won and he said no, he was not happy. Remember he had invested a lot of money into the Bidens to make his problems go away but he did say that it would take ten years for all of us to find out the payments made to the Bidens because of how many bank accounts there were.

The worst thing for Joe in the whole document is the next part. “He said at the time there were no direct payments made to the ‘big guy‘ but in the meeting later after he had become more upset as things were unfolding he told the informant that he had two pieces of evidence showing proof of payment to Hunter and specifically Joe Biden.

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