
Here it Comes: Martial Law to Restore Constitutional Law and Order

Conservative America is digging in and bracing for Martial Law. The majority of those who consider themselves patriotic defenders of the Constitution believe firm and decisive action is needed NOW to restore Law and Order. This is not a plot for President Donald Trump to seize power, it’s the exact opposite. An executive administrator in the Oval Office stepping up and doing the duty spelled out for him to protect the Constitution and all it stands for.

It’s time for Martial Law

America is in possibly the most dangerous period in our nation’s history since JFK stared down the Russkies in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Pentagon shakeups are sending signals that President Donald Trump is about to take charge and do exactly what conservative Americans chose him to do, DRAIN THE SWAMP. Patriots stand proudly and firmly behind their Commander-in-Chief and are “standing back and standing by” as necessary to protect and defend the United States Constitution. Firm and decisive use of the Martial Law now by trained and well supplied professionals could prevent a long and bloody civil war between American citizens which has been brewing for decades.

President Donald Trump told Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to clean out his desk and go home. Several others who question executive authority and disregard their Constitutional obligations to maintain law and order followed him out the door, some voluntarily, other were pushed. That’s a big sign that something as drastic as the use of Martial Law through a declaration of federal emergency is brewing. The alleged director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation is the next one with his head on the chopping block, rumors around the water cooler suggest.

Another clue that Martial Law is on the horizon comes from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who clearly told the press that no matter what the New World Order controlled media is telling the world, “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” Liberal talking heads are exploding and splattering TV camera lenses from one studio to another as President Trump gives no sign of packing his bags. No matter what Associated Press declares, Joe Biden has not won anything because the election was heavily rigged.

An attempt to save the Republic

People who have nothing better to do than follow the beltway intrigue are convinced that the Trump administration is in the first phase of an attempt to save the American Republic. You can’t make omelettes without breaking some eggs. To get the corrupt officials out of the infamous swamp will require a serious use of force. By declaring a state of emergency, troops can be brought in to provide Martial Law because Trump is legally allowed to “seize direct control of the military and federal law enforcement.”

There aren’t any “guardrails” to prevent the “slimmest crisis” to “justify a declaration of Martial Law and send the military into US cities to restore law and order.” As we all witnessed over the summer, the officials constitutionally charged with maintaining law and order, were running with the rioters. The “insurrection” has been running in full swing for months, if not years and shows no sign of stopping unless President Donald Trump does what the Founding Fathers intended to be done. He has the blessing of the conservative patriots who follow his battle flag to do what it takes.

Another thing to remind Black Lives Matter liberals with their roman candles and green lasers who controlled the streets of America for months, is that U.S. armed forces are not trained to refuse orders. If Martial Law is declared, the U.S. Military Oath of Enlistment requires that enlisted service members “will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the officers appointed over [them], according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” if they don’t, Article 92 of the UCMJ imposes punishment on members of the armed forces who “violate or fail to obey any lawful general order” or fail to obey “any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is [their] duty to obey.” It’s time to get the raccoons out of the basement.

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