One Joke About Pelosi and He’s Arrested as a Terrorist


Aron McKillips has been on the FBI radar for a long time but all it took was one joke about Paul Pelosi to get the Boogaloo Boi arrested for domestic terror. Posting a meme on Facebook related to Paul Pelosi “staying home and getting hammered” was totally over the top.

FBI swoops in

Facing criticism from the right for covering up Biden family crimes, while making up evidence to frame Donald Trump with, the FBI decided to make some high profile arrests.

They want to paint every American nationalist as a radically extreme domestic terrorist and the best way they can think of to do that is round up a couple boogie boys. One of them, Ohio based Aron McKillips, is going down hard for a Paul Pelosi meme.

According to the official FBI press release, agents rounded up 29-year-old McKillips for “plotting to kill government officials while stockpiling machine guns and a rifle-mounted grenade launcher.” Their timing is really interesting because they’ve been watching him real close for years. He’s said a whole bunch of inflammatory things which they have safely on tape. They sat on it.

They were waiting to use McKillips to their fullest advantage. Bureau instigators got their prime opportunity when Aron dared post such a radically offensive meme. Joking about Paul Pelosi getting “hammered” makes all his other posts and activities look tame by comparison.

For months now, the FBI has known all about his stockpile of “silencers and bomb-making materials.” The bureau was well aware he had been “building his own machine guns in a plot to ‘kill as many government officials as possible.’” That’s the part they had on tape.

The Federal Bureau of Instigation practically has a dedicated unit to watch over every member of the Boogaloo Bois militia group and he’s one of their most well known members.


The Ohio branch

McKillips is part of the Ohio branch of the group, specifically plotting to “overthrow the government by sparking off a second Civil War.” The FBI loves them. They surround them with undercover agents who try to entrap them into doing all sorts of things.

Some of them are crazy enough to swallow the bait. Officially, McKillips was booked on “unlawful possession of a machine gun and interstate communication of threats.” Unofficially, its for the Pelosi meme.

The criminal complaint makes it clear that the FBI has known all about his violent proclivities for a long, long time and done absolutely nothing until now. “McKillips regularly spoke to other members about his violent plans.

He wanted to “blow up the IRS, destroy Facebook headquarters and carry out a copycat attack of the 2017 deadly mass shooting at a Las Vegas concert which killed 58 people.

In May through July, they recorded him in a “Signal chat room, which had several federal informants in it.” Practically every right wing chat room has several feds in it. The FBI frowns on saying things like: “Kill them. Murder them. Unalive them. Delete them. Get rid of them. And then it became ‘we’re gonna do this peaceful.’ F*** that.

They taped him talking about “burning down federal buildings” and “shooting federal agents.” They were watching him for that. It wasn’t enough to arrest him for. Then he went totally over the top and sent out the Pelosi getting hammered meme and it was all over.

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