
AOC Wants 10 Billion Dollars of Your Tax Money America

Democrat-Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez alongside leftist Senators Ed Markey, Bernie Sanders, Alex Padilla, and Kristen Gillibrand are pushing to dump $10 Billion of your tax dollars into a “Civilian Climate Corps”. This is the latest attempt by the Socialist ruling class to achieve the Frankenstein-ian feat of grafting the head of the Biden-Harris regime with their “Green New Deal” and critical race theory insanity onto the decomposing composite corpse of FDR’s New Deal legacy and LBJ’s “Great Society”.

Thus crowning the spectacular failure of Roosevelt’s gargantuan government overreach, the systemic damage to our society wrought by Johnson’s radical expansion of welfare and subsidized housing with the Biden-Harris regime’s twisted dreams of ‘equity’ and redistribution of wealth.

As NPR wrote, the Democrats are obsessed with erasing the legacy of Presidents Reagan and Trump and replacing them with their own unholy trinity: Roosevelt, Johnson… and Biden.

“Well, we’ve been living in the shadow of Reagan’s America. And now it’s back to the future. We’re going to start to live in the shadow of FDR,” said Jonathan Alter, a journalist and historian”

According to American Web Media, “If the bill passes into law, it will employ 1.5 million Americans within five years who would all be part of the new Civilian Climate Corps.”

Didn’t You Wonder What That Tax Hike Was For?

The bill’s summary reads, (We’ve highlighted the troubling parts in red for you)

“The Civilian Climate Corps for Jobs and Justice Act of 2021 establishes a Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service within AmeriCorps. A diverse and equitable group of 1.5 million Americans over 5 years will complete federally funded projects that help communities respond to climate change and transition to a clean economy. CCC work will reduce carbon emissions, enable a transition to renewable energy, build healthier and more resilient communities, implement conservation projects with proven climate benefits, and help communities recover from climate disasters. At the same time, participants, or “corpsmembers,” will receive education and training in coordination with local institutions, including labor unions, to usher them into good jobs, and especially good union jobs. The corps will coordinate closely with local groups to help develop career pathways and union opportunities in new green sectors.”

Now, why is it that in a climate and jobs bill…. they mention unions three times in the first paragraph? Do you get a feeling that “right to work” doesn’t really factor into their thinking?  And with “climate change”, a “clean economy” and “new green sectors” it sounds a lot like Solyndra on steroids. But there’s more.

“To attract the broad and diverse group of corpsmembers necessary to accomplish the crucial
work of the CCC and Partner Corps, all corpsmembers are guaranteed the following benefits:

– Salary and benefits: Compensation of at least $15 per hour, full health care coverage,
and critical support services such as transportation, housing, and childcare.

– Educational Funding: Enabling educational grants of $25,000 per year of service, up to
$50,000, eligible for further education at any level or to pay down student debt.

– Career Opportunities: All corpsmembers will be provided with a job and career pathway
during their service and corps will prioritize registered pre-apprenticeship curricula and
union membership as part of service. Corpsmembers will receive vocational training
appropriate to the local job market. Guaranteed follow-up services will help track
corpsmembers’ professional and career progress.”

The entire program PRE-SUPPOSES that the American people largely WANT to be part of a union. What about people and businesses who want NOTHING to do with Organized Labor? And yes… they go on like that.

“To accomplish to goals of a just and equitable CCC, the program will ensure:

Explicit antiracist language ensures that environmental justice communities receive
benefits of at least 50% of CCC and Partner Corps projects, and 50% of corpsmembers
will be recruited from these same communities, with no age limit for participation in at
least 50% of Partner Corps.

According to the Foresight Design Initiative an “environmental justice community” is “Minority, low-income, tribal, or indigenous populations or geographic locations in the United States that potentially experience disproportionate environmental harms and risks.

Labor groups prioritized and integrated into CCC and Partner Corps planning and
operations, with DOL registered pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs
prioritized for grants, required coordination with local labor unions, buy American
provisions in procurement, and advisory board representation from labor groups. The
corps, partner corps, and any private companies partnered in corps activities will adhere
to neutrality and card check agreements.

– Tribal sovereignty protections and dedicated funds guarantee that CCC activities benefit
Tribal communities, which will receive 10% of the dedicated EJ benefits.”

Check Out How They’ll Spend Your Tax Dollars… Yes, It Gets Worse

It definitely seems like this bill is playing to a VERY specific audience, especially once you get into the actual text of the bill which includes lines like these stressing the lie of “Environment Racism“:

“These natural disasters exert profound impacts on the lives and livelihoods of all individuals, but some communities, particularly low-income communities and communities of color, are disproportionately exposed and vulnerable to climate impacts and pollution.

“UNDER-RESOURCED COMMUNITY OF NEED.—The term ‘under-resourced community of need’ means— ‘‘(A) a community with significant representation of communities of color, low-income communities, or tribal and indigenous communities, that experiences, or is at risk of experiencing, higher or more adverse human health or environmental effects, as compared to other communities; ‘‘(B) communities in Indian country; ‘‘(C) a community facing economic transition, deindustrialization, and historic underinvestment; or ‘‘(D) a community with a high rate of poverty or unemployment, as determined by the Director in consultation with the advisory board established in section 199X (referred to in this subtitle as the ‘advisory board’) and appropriate Federal resources identifying environmental justice communities.”

Long Story Short: Wealth Redistribution

In the 1930’s the ‘New Deal’ was brought about to, in foolhardy fashion, spend America’s way back to prosperity by putting massive numbers of Americans to work from Uncle Sam, even though as Churchill taught us “for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up”.

Many on the left falsely attribute America’s recoverty to the utterly gargantuan spending program FDR embarked upon only dwarfed by how irrevocably mutated and swollen it rendered the Federal Government to (attempt to) direct such a flood of taxpayer dollars. It truly was simply put: WAR that cured us of the Great Depression. The war economy rapidly mobilized every ounce of treasure, ingenuity and sinew our nation had to offer in order to confront not one but TWO existential threats to our freedom and the world’s as well. Any one who tells you otherwise is quite literally trying to sell you something.

LBJ simply offered the same perscription writ large for a totally different set of ailments, an unpopular war in Vietnam, an expensive Cold-War with the Soviets, high unemployment, poverty and mass Civil Unrest? A burgeoning drug issue? No problem! Open the floodgates of the taxpayer’s wallets. It’s the only solution the left knows: take more power, seize more taxes, spend more money. Their solution is to make as many people dependent on the government as possible.

The difference today is that it is becoming more and more evident that lacking such a cause as required to frighten Americans into giving them so much power again, it seems they grew impatient…. and manufactured the circumstances they needed.

They’ve sown the seeds of a panic about ‘Climate Change’ for decades now but as they raced past each goal post with little to show, it was losing it’s effectiveness. So The left instead CREATED and STOKED mass civil unrest and racial division. They’ve pumped up fear and panic of a disease that while serious, was well within our means to confront and defeat as we have so many before it. And finally: they used that fear to generate the third crisis they needed: a full-blown economic collapse. 

Now they have us again. And we’re left to wonder. Will the American people let it work this time?

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