
The TRUE Test is HERE, How Will The Current Administration Handle It?

The true test of America’s diplomatic skills is here but Antony Blinken is predicted to flunk. He’s staring at the quiz questions with a blank look on his face and nobody to glance sideways at, to see how they’re filling out theirs.

A test of Biden’s will

The Pentagon is totally convinced that Iran was “behind the drone attack” that targeted Americans in Syria last week but Joe Biden and the Imperial Palace don’t want to hear it. The Ministry of State is trying to drag the Ayatollah back to the conference table to renew Barack Obama’s nuclear deal.

Word around the campfire is that Iran is trying to test the water to see if Biden will stand up or back down. The terrorists don’t believe his assurances that the pallets of cash will start flowing as part of Build Back Better. They say, “call them once it actually goes through.

As spewed forth on Monday, October 25, by the Associated Press, U.S. officials believe “that Iran resourced and encouraged the attack.” They weren’t stupid enough to launch them from Tehran but it’s totally obvious they “were Iranian drones, and Iran appears to have facilitated their use.”

The test of American defense skills “involved as many as five drones laden with explosive charges.” The deadly weapons “hit both the U.S. side of al-Tanf garrison and the side where Syrian opposition forces stay.”

Instead of putting up a fight, His Wisdom ordered the forces to run and hide. They’re only there to “train Syrian forces to fight against Islamic extremists.” He doesn’t want them to do anything to offend Iran.

People actually interested in military defense call it a test of how Biden and Blinky would respond. The Ayatollah is grinning over the results. He fantasizes about leading Joe around on a real dog leash instead of just a diplomatic one.

Coordinated and deliberate

Over at the Pentagon, they’re getting a little concerned that the test made them look bad. Spokesunit John Kirby called the attack “complex, coordinated and deliberate.” Safety of American troops comes first and foremost. “The protection and security of our troops overseas remains a paramount concern for the secretary.”

That’s why the big brass told them to run away. They were tipped off about an attack on the base and moved the troops “prior to the drone strike.” Instead of shooting down the drones, they allowed them to drop their payloads. “Bomb fragments” were later “found where U.S. troops sleep.”

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is taking the heat for the decision. It’s obviously a test of his patience too. He’s boiling over with anger at being told to stand down, he just can’t admit it. It’s clear from his tone of voice though. He declared after the incident, there will be revenge


When you least expect it, expect it, he warns. If “there is to be a response, it will be at a time and a place and a manner of our choosing, and we certainly won’t get ahead of those kinds of decisions.”

Thanks to liberal Democrats, Iran has walked away from the nuclear negotiating table. They just about have “enough nuclear material to create a nuclear weapon.” They are getting ready to test something soon, all the experts say. Especially in Israel. Even though Bibi Netanyahu is as politically persona non grata as Donald Trump these days, the Israelis are on it.

“Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett signaled to the world in late September that Israel is preparing to take action to stop Iran from being able to obtain a nuclear weapon.” They’re approaching the critical point. “All red lines have been crossed. Inspections — ignored. All wishful-thinking — proven false,” he said. “Iran is currently violating the IAEAs safeguard agreements — and it’s getting away with it.” Joe Biden stands on a Palace West Wing balcony and plays his violin.

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