U.S. Seizes Multiple Iranian Assets


Iran is scrambling to save their assets but it looks like it’s already too late. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is hopping mad with America’s Imperial Leader Joseph Robinette Biden Junior. Joe’s being insubordinate again. He already thumbed his nose at Tehran over the pallets of cash which haven’t started flowing yet. Now, Biden’s palace ministers just snatched all the electrons off the internet flowing to three major terror sponsoring sites like “Iran’s state-run Press TV.” They Ayatollah can’t watch his favorite show!

Iranian assets seized

Iran’s Supreme Leader is demanding to know how he will get any nuclear bombs built with Joe Biden continuing to put rocks in his shoes. Instead of getting with the program as arranged by John Kerry and Ole Big Ears, Biden is grabbing valuable Iranian assets. Sometime this week, the Ministry of Justice quietly seized the websites of key Iranian media sites. Along with Press TV, two other heavy hitting outlets went dark.

Pages at Al-Alam TV, which is a channel of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting are gone. So is “Yemeni Al-Masirah TV, which is operated by the Iran-linked Yemeni Houthi movement.” Nobody is sure exactly when it happened. They’re still fishing the Internet Wayback machine to see when the sites were last updated.

Iran can’t claim that hackers stole their assets. Each of the websites which were hijacked have a full screen disclosure form saying the particular domain “has been seized by the United States Government in accordance with a seizure warrant.”

After the legalese, they add that it’s “part of a law enforcement action by the Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Export Enforcement and Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Apparently Christopher Wray and his cronies can actually investigate something other than Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia and the ties of his deplorable supporters to the insurrection cooked up by the Deep State in the bureau’s basement.

Some say they have a secret “QAnon” unit that grooms domestic terrorists as “intelligence assets,” to perform false-flag attacks on “Q” like the Barbarian Invasion of the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Not the first time

This isn’t the first time the feds have seized website assets linked to Iran. What has everyone amazed is that Joe Biden is daring to do it. The decision seems to go against everything his handlers are ordering him to do. People might start thinking that Joe Biden has a mind of his own and that’s something that open borders globalists can’t tolerate for a second.

If Joe doesn’t shape up and start following the “suggestions,” Kamala Harris might get that promotion she’s been hoping for. The Deep State allegedly has a lot more dirt on Joe Biden and his cracked out son Hunter Biden than Jeffrey Epstein has on Bill Clinton.

Back in November, while still under the supervision of Once and Future President Donald Trump, Bill Barr snatched “29 websites linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps” after we designated them a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.”

Back then, each “of the domains was fraudulently registered because each is being used by or on behalf of the IRGC and this critical information was omitted from the registration if any of the U.S. service providers had known that the domains were to be used by or on behalf of the IRGC, they would not have been able to provide the domain name registration services due to U.S. sanctions.” So there. Kiss your assets goodbye.

Everyone in Washington is still scratching their heads trying to figure out exactly what happened. Why is an even bigger and more mysterious question. All anyone knows at this point is that the assets were grabbed only days after Ebrahim Raisi won Iran’s election. Not that there was much doubt over the outcome.

He shouts “Death to America” just as loud as the rest of them and “will not meet” with Joe Biden. He also firmly declared that “talks about restarting the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not include new negotiations on its ballistic missile program or its state sponsorship of terrorism.”

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