
They Just Went WAY Too Far, Look at What They Did to Trump

Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and now a new billboard has gone up in Phoenix, Arizona that shows President Trump behind prison bars while in a prison jumpsuit.

Billboard Featuring Trump Goes Up

The board also shows an inmate badge that reads “Don the Con.”

The anti-Trump billboard is just another example of the hypocrisy of liberals’ love of calling the president a dictator. Yes, Trump is such a scary dictator that people have no problem giving public death threats against him, slandering him and disrespecting his position as the president of the United States.

The billboard is located on Grand Avenue near 22th Avenue in Phoenix.

An artist from Southern California named Karen Fiorito is responsible for the creation of the offensive billboard. Beatrice Moore is the owner who paid for the artwork.

Targeting the President

The same billboard spot also had a Trump billboard in place for over three years. It featured this liberal message:

“Vote. Free and fair elections. Human rights. Believe science. No more corporate welfare. People and planet over profit. Affordable healthcare.”

At the time, Fiorito wrote on social media:

“We have temporarily covered up Trumpocalypse and Unity with pro-voting and pro BLM billboards.”

Democrats the Real Criminals

Fiorito yesterday posted images to her Facebook account of the artwork being installed on the billboard with a message asking: “What should we call it? 1. Don the Con 2. Lock Him Up 3. Bye Don! 4. Trump for Prison 2020.”

Democrats have spent over four years disrespecting the rule of law and the position that Donald Trump holds as the president of the United States.

If the tides were turned and there was a billboard of this nature put up of Barack Obama while he was in office, heads would roll. The news would cover this story constantly and the words racists would be thrown around. But since it’s just Trump, well then that’s okay because double standards are here to stay.

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