Tucker Carlson Drops His Most EXPLOSIVE Announcement to Date


On Tuesday night, June 15, one of the few remaining hosts on Fox News still trusted by conservatives, Tucker Carlson, dropped an announcement so explosive that Democrats scrambled to do damage control. Every word he uttered has since been “debunked.” To deplorable conservatives, that’s proof that it’s true.

Carlson terrified the left

If the liberal Democrats didn’t think the broadside Tucker Carlson fired off at the Deep State had any merit, they would have shrugged it off and ignored it. Instead they’re screaming bloody murder and fact-checking every single word for their particular brand of propaganda accuracy.

Tucker was careful with his words. He voiced an “opinion.” An opinion shared by lots of folks with credentials to prove that their opinion matters. Liberals are totally terrified.

According to Tucker Carlson, the Barbarian Invasion of the Capitol Building on January 6 was “a false flag orchestrated by the FBI.” The whole thing was an effort to “suppress political dissent.” The only “insurrection” this nation has seen is the year-plus-long rioting, looting, and violence in the streets, encouraged by liberal leaders of Democrat cities and states.

He’s in hot water for pointing out how, in an attempt to chill protected free speech, federal prosecutors filed “hundreds of criminal charges” on largely peaceful protesters at the capitol while letting armed forces aligned with Antifa® and Black Lives Matter™ pillage and plunder at will.

The fact checkers are quick to point out that Carlson can’t “prove” that freshly appointed Attorney General Merrick Garland’s new strategy to target “domestic terrorism and violent extremism” is a blatant attempt to “crush anyone who leads opposition to” Biden. They can’t disprove it though.

Similarly, the left can’t question Vladimir Putin for what he said, so they roast Tucker for quoting what he said. Putin raised “fair questions. Who did shoot Ashli Babbitt and why don’t we know? Are anonymous federal agents now allowed to kill unarmed women who protest the regime? That’s okay now? No, it’s not okay.”

The hiding of identity

Carlson went out on a limb with one of his claims, the most important one. Liberals crawled through his tale with a magnifying glass and think the flaws they found say his branch snapped. Fortunately there are a few limbs lower down to hold him up. Basically, it’s a case of he’s probably right, but for the wrong reasons.

The bomb went off when Tucker taunted that “the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers present at the Capitol on January 6, not just the one that killed” Babbit. He says the “PERSON1” type entries are fed agents. That was way too easy to debunk. He should have said they were “undercover informants.” Those rats would have been working closely with the FBI and their handlers’ names have not been disclosed so it amounts to close to the same thing.

The government really is hiding that there were “many law enforcement officers present at the Capitol” under deep cover besides the ones Tucker mentioned. They also don’t want you to know about Emily Rainey. She happens to be an Army psychological warfare Captain. She bused in 100 of her friends that day. Carlson made the mistake of calling every single “un-indicted co-conspirator” a fed.

“We know that because without fail, the government has thrown the book at most people who were present in the Capitol on January 6. There was a nationwide dragnet to find them. Many of them are still in solitary confinement tonight. But strangely, some of the key people who participated on January 6 have not been charged.” They were the rats who worked for the feds, the liberals correct. There is growing support for the theory that “QAnon” is nothing but an undercover branch of the Federal Bureau of Instigation charged with identifying unstable radicals and grooming them for false-flag terror incidents which can be busted on demand for the film crews. Just like what happened January 6.

Another good example is the kidnap attempt on Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “A whole team of insurrectionists was going to drive a van up to Gretchen Whitmer’s vacation house and throw her in the back and drive away. The mastermind of this plot, according to the FBI, was a man called Adam Fox. Who was Adam Fox? Adam Fox turned out to be a homeless guy who was living in the basement of a vacuum repair shop. Quite a guerrilla!”

The thing about Carlson’s program that night that really terrifies the Deep State is the conclusion Tucker reached. “If you empower the government to violate civil liberties in pursuit of a foreign terror organization, it’s just a matter of time before ambitious politicians use those same mechanisms to suppress political dissent. And that is what we are seeing now.”

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