Democrat Leaders REFUSING to Allow the Public to View Data

They Have ABANDONED Democrats… Party PANICKING

Democrats have a significant problem on their hands.

The demographic that has remained loyal to them even though they are used and abused has finally had enough.

Black voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves.

And people are noticing.

See Ya

This started when Trump was in office.

For all the heat that Trump took from Democrats, who regularly called him racist, Trump did a lot for that community.

Unemployment was down to historic lows, his second-chance program was well-received, and funding was flowing for HBCUs.

By the time Trump left office, Democrats were already starting to lose ground after usually getting about 93 percent support or higher.

By 2018, Democrats were only polling at about 85 percent.

Today, that number is down to 74 percent.

The margin for Democrats among Black voters used to be about 75 or 76 percent, but that number is now threatening to drop below a 60 percent advantage…

If Democrats lose the black vote, they are in huge trouble because they are already losing the Hispanic vote.

This is a great trend for red, and one that we hope continues.

Source: The Blaze

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