Nancy Pelosi Gets Shut Down by White House


Nancy Pelosi can stick it in her ear, Imperial Palace spokesunit Jen Psaki implies. Just because she wasn’t paying attention and blew an important deadline doesn’t make it a palace problem. Those progressives can stay camped out on the Capitol lawn for as long as they like. It will give the National Guardsmen someone to talk to while they protect liberals from deplorable Trump supporters, even though they aren’t getting paid for it.

Pelosi missed it

Maybe Nancy Pelosi should consider cutting down on the Chardonnay for a while. She blew an important deadline for Democrats and thinks she can get the CDC to write a prescription which will cure the defects for her. Wrong. The Supreme Court already said no to her scheme but she won’t accept the reality of it.

Official Palace Propaganda Minister Jen Psaki appeared before the press on Monday to personally tell the Speaker of the House that “the CDC has no lawful way of extending the moratorium” on evictions of Democrats who refuse to pay rent. While Biden “can assist,” he cannot “unilaterally order an end to evictions.” Basically, she told Nancy to go have a bowl of ice cream and forget about it.

In the throes of something like hallucination, Pelosi tapped out a Tweet virtually ordering the CDC to do her job for her. She would have done it, she insists, except nobody told her the deadline was Saturday.

She was convinced that she has enough power to make a suggestion with the force of law to any government department. “The CDC has the power to extend the eviction moratorium. As they double down on masks, why wouldn’t they extend the moratorium in light of delta variant?”

Not only was Pelosi totally wrong about that she doubled down by adding “It is a moral imperative to keep people from being put out in the street which also contributes to the public health emergency.

The virus is still a threat, the moratorium must be extended and the funds Congress allocated to assist renters and landlords must be spent.” No, sorry Nancy, it doesn’t work that way.

Palace says no

As soon as Joe Biden heard about the nonsense coming out of the speaker’s twitter account he started stammering, “C’mon man,” can’t she be bothered to read those reports coming across her desk? They quickly got Psaki on top of damage control.

The Propaganda Ministry notes that after “taking a barrage of criticism from House progressives, who even camped out on the steps of the United States Capitol after the House had left for its summer recess, Pelosi, who failed to marshal enough votes to extend the eviction moratorium through legislation last Friday, called on the CDC to extend the ban.” It seems like she’s been smoking pot with Kamala Harris or something.

Back in June, the Supreme Court clearly ruled that “the CDC moratorium was unconstitutional.” As part of the order, they gave “Congress until July 31st to remedy the problem through legislation.” Pelosi dropped the ball. She didn’t put it on her calendar. Now, she’s screwed and she knows it.

According to her office, “she only found out about the pending problem on Friday and was unable to marshal enough votes, even among Democrats, to pass an extension.” The last thing Democrats wanted to do was work. They were already on summer break in their minds, even though they were still stuck there in their office chairs.

Psaki made it crystal clear that “the CDC has no lawful way of extending the moratorium,” so forget it. Not only that, the palace “cannot unilaterally order an end to evictions.” Officials with the CDC are well aware of the problem.

“CDC officials have been unable to find legal authority for a new, targeted eviction moratorium and there is unlikely to be an emergency extension.” Blame Congress, she scolds Pelosi. “House Democrats were unable to rise to Biden’s last-ditch request after roughly 20 moderates objected to a bill to extend the ban, breaking for recess Friday without even taking a vote.”

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