liz cheney

Liz Cheney Attacks Trump, Ends Up Tarnishing the Republican Party Instead

RINO Representative Liz Cheney is once again embarrassing herself and her beloved “Republican” party. In response to a meme from Donald Trump, Cheney made a statement that is guaranteed to decrease her already-slim chances of reelection.

In a statement from Donald Trump’s Save America PAC, the former president shared a simple, yet effective meme.

It’s almost perfect, conveying the message that Liz Cheney and former President George W. Bush — both warmongers — are essentially the same person, politically. As opposition to the endless wars has skyrocketed among Republicans, support for warmongers like Cheney, Bush, and the late John McCain has plummeted.

Of course, Cheney had to respond to this hilarious burn, but she burned herself in the process.

“I like Republican presidents who win re-election,” she tweeted, sharing a picture of George W. Bush.

No one understands how Liz Cheney thinks that this behavior — trying to clap back like Donald Trump, while hating Donald Trump and anyone who voted for him (AKA her constituents) — will help her win her reelection. But she is somehow confident that she will.

During a recent interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, the RINO congresswoman claimed that she was certain she would win reelection.

“The Republican Party here has disowned you. They’ve called for your resignation. We’ve been told your approval rating here is down around 30%. Can you win this seat?” CBS’s Leslie Stahl asked.

“Absolutely,” Cheney responded. “I think it’s going to be the most important House race in 2022, and it will be one where people do have the opportunity to say we want to stand for the Constitution.”

“A vote against me in this race, a vote for whomever Donald Trump has endorsed, is a vote for somebody who’s willing to perpetuate the big lie, somebody who’s put allegiance to Trump above allegiance to the Constitution,” she added.

Twitter Responses

Conservative Twitter immediately lit up with responses to Liz Cheney’s ridiculous love for Bush.

“Lmao she tweeted a photo of the only person in the country that likes her,” wrote Cassandra Fairbanks, editor-in-chief of Timcast News.

“I like Republicans who don’t start wars in places we don’t belong, launching the US into a state of such despair that it led to 8 years of Obama and a cultural revolution that made a bunch of our youth into socialists want to murder freedom in America & hate our nation,” wrote Robby Starbuck, a congressional candidate from Tennessee.


“I like when two traitor families are included in one tweet. Go ahead and chuckle, Liz. You will be remembered throughout all of history for the useless, anti-American trash you are,” wrote Seth Keshel.

“I like presidents who don’t sell out their country to foreign power and multinational corporations, to war profiteering, opioid trafficking, shipping away jobs and flooding the country with exploitable labor,” wrote one Twitter user.

“Your constituents prefer representatives who represent their interests, so you’ll be out soon. W won’t save you,” wrote another Twitter user.

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