A Fox host decided to run to The Hill to write an op-ed in a desperate attempt to save the Democrats in the midterms by trying to blame the GOP for rising crime.
Fox News host Juan Williams wrote an op-ed for The Hill entitled “GOP is stirring up crime fears,” in which he simultaneously claims that the Republicans are trying to overexaggerate crime statistics and that the Republicans are responsible for the rise in crime.
“Republicans are ready to use the nationwide rise in violent crime against Democrats in the midterm elections,” Williams admits at the start of his article.
He is exactly right. The crime epidemic is a key issue in the GOP’s platform for the midterms because it is an important issue for voters.
“That’s odd,” he continued. “Yes, the murder rate is up. But seven of the ten states with the highest murder rates voted for former President Trump in 2020.”
Williams is deliberately twisting the facts to fit his narrative. As Bearing Arms put it, “When you break it down to the local level, the highest murder rates are found [in] counties that voted overwhelmingly for Biden.”
Basically, Williams is doing exactly what the left always does: trying to generalize the point when it doesn’t fit the narrative. The murder rate has skyrocketed in Democrat-run cities throughout the country.
When you look at actual data from 2021, the real problem becomes obvious. Fox News found that 16 cities saw record homicides in 2021, and not a single one of those cities was run by Republicans, although a few were in red states. Here is the list of (Democrat-run) cities:
- Albuquerque, New Mexico — Homicides in 2021: At least 107, Previous record: 93 in 2019.
- Atlanta, Georgia — Homicides in 2021: At least 150, Previous record: 145 in 2020.
- Austin, Texas — Homicides in 2021: At least 88, Previous record: 59 in 1984.
- Baton Rouge, Louisiana — Homicides in 2021: At least 115 (unofficial), Previous record: 110 in 2020.
- Columbus, Ohio — Homicides in 2021: At least 179, Previous record: 177 in 2020.
- Indianapolis, Indiana — Homicides in 2021: At least 258, Previous record: 233 in 2020.
- Jackson, Mississippi — Homicides in 2021: At least 129, Previous record: 128 in 2020.
- Louisville, Kentucky — Homicides in 2021: At least 179, Previous record: 111 in 2016.
- Macon, Georgia — Homicides in 2021: At least 52, Previous record: 48 in 1992.
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin — Homicides in 2021: At least 190, Previous record: 186 in 2020.
- New Haven, Connecticut — Homicides in 2021: At least 25, Previous record: 23 in 2011.
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — Homicides in 2021: At least 524, Previous record: 500 in 1990.
- Portland, Oregon — Homicides in 2021: At least 84, Previous record: 70 homicides in 1987.
- Rochester, New York — Homicides in 2021: At least 80, Previous record: 69 in 1991.
- St. Paul, Minnesota — Homicides in 2021: At least 35, Previous record: 34 in 1992.
- Tucson, Arizona — Homicides in 2021: At least 92, Previous record: 79 in 2008.
It doesn’t matter if the state is run by a Republican if the city is where the crimes are taking place and the city is run by Democrats, but Williams doesn’t care about that. He just wants to push his narrative to make the GOP look bad.
“Most of those murders involved guns and took place in southern states with lax gun control laws enacted by Republican governors and legislatures,” he added. “So, how can Democrats be attacked as the party responsible for the rise in crime?”
That’s a pretty easy question to answer.
Gun control has nothing to do with crime, and we’ve seen that fact proven time and time again. According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, “gun free zones” (areas where guns are prohibited) have been the target of over 98% of all mass shootings.
These murders are taking place in Democrat-run cities that have gun control measures in place, and the murders are largely being committed with illegally obtained guns. Gun control laws only make it more difficult for legal gun owners to obtain weapons to defend themselves from these criminals. When murders and mass shootings take place in these “gun free zones” and other areas with heavy gun control, there is no legal gun owner around to stop the murderer.
Democrats not only prevent people from exercising their right to self-defense, they have also instituted soft-on-crime policies in cities that have allowed criminals to be let out on low bail — or even no bail at all — who will go on to commit more crimes.
“Nobody’s getting arrested anymore,” said Robert Boyce, retired chief of detectives for the New York Police Department. “People are getting picked up for gun possession and they’re just let out over and over again.”
According to FBI crime data analyzed by ABC News, the number of arrests nationwide plummeted 24% in 2020 from the more than 10 million arrests made in 2019. The number of arrests in 2020, 7.63 million, was the lowest in 25 years, according to the data. Statistics for 2021 are not available yet.
Beyond that, Democrat district attorneys are refusing to prosecute criminals, and instead letting them back on the streets. According to the New York Post, “Critics say the policies of [George] Soros-funded DAs, which have included abolishing bail and, in the case of Chicago, placing hundreds of violent criminals on electronic tracking systems, have led to a spike in crime throughout the country.”
“Everywhere Soros-backed prosecutors go, crime follows,” said Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton in a statement to The Post. “These legal arsonists have abandoned their duty to public safety by pursuing leniency even for the most heinous crime, and they often flat-out refuse to charge criminals for shoplifting, vagrancy and entire categories of misdemeanors.”
Clearly, all Juan Williams has is empty words, and desperate pleas to blame the Republicans. The Fox host sees the Democrats’ chances for the midterms slipping away as their terrible soft-on-crime policies destroy the country, and he is hoping that throwing around some generalizations and pretending that blue city policies are the fault of the red states will somehow convince the voters to come back to the left. But they won’t. The American people finally see through the Democrats’ lies, and they aren’t going back.