The Iranian Navy decided to tease an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer by pointing machine guns at them in the Sea of Oman. Even the Ayatollah knows that the Democrats are taking a beating on the home front. Xi Jinping is ramping up efforts to invade Taiwan, Kim Jong Un is playing with his rockets again. Meanwhile, Joe Biden and the Imperial Palace are afraid to do anything that might anger any single one of our enemies. Our Minister of State just stands there blinking and babbling under his breath that Kabul wasn’t his fault.
Iranian gunships threaten
The disputed incident appears to have happened on Monday, November 1, and was first reported by Iran as an attempt to thwart American “piracy.”
The official story from Tehran is that an “escort squad of the Iranian Navy aboard an oil tanker had an armed encounter with the pirates on Monday morning as the ship, sailing for the Gulf of Aden, was going to pass through the Bab al-Mandab Strait.” We’re the alleged pirates. It appears that the U.S. destroyer USS The Sullivans was attempting sanctions enforcement action but the Palace surprisingly denies that.
Iran’s version makes sense. They claim America “seized a tanker carrying Iranian oil for exports in the waters of the Sea of Oman and transferred its crude shipment to another tanker, voyaging towards an unknown destination.”
Iran, in turn, “took immediate action to surround the tanker and landed troops on the deck of the vessel in heliborne operations and directed it towards the territorial waters of Iran.” The U.S. Navy didn’t like that.
Several U.S. “military helicopters and warships rushed to seize the tanker but failed thanks to the decisive and mighty action of the Iranian naval forces.”
That’s about when Joe Biden caved in again and ordered our forces to stand down. “The American forces again attempted to block the path of the tanker by more warships and helicopters, but were again pushed back. The oil tanker is currently in the territorial waters of Iran.”
Refuting the claims
The American version is more than a little different. The affected oil tanker has been identified unofficially as “a Vietnamese-flagged vessel called Sothys.”
The Pentagon is “refuting the Iranian claims that they prevented us from taking back this vessel. The bottom line, they say, is that the Ayatollah had his forces “seize this oil tanker.”
According to a Navy spokesman, there “were over 10 Iranian fast boats that swarmed this thing. There was a helicopter seen flying around, and, bottom line, our forces responded to monitor the situation.” They didn’t tell the public about it last week because of “sensitivities.”
The Ayatollah is a lying goat humper they allege. “Iran is now spinning this against us, saying that they prevented us from taking back this vessel when it’s very clear that our forces were simply there monitoring.”
It’s not like we haven’t been seizing tankers full of their oil though. “The U.S. has previously confiscated several tankers” trying to smuggle oil out of Iran. Also, “Iran has been suspected of using oil tankers registered to other countries in an effort to circumvent sanctions.”
Back in January, “the U.S. ordered the seizure of about 2 million barrels worth of suspected Iranian oil on board a Liberian-flagged vessel after the company that owns the tanker alerted the Department of Justice to a suspected fraudulent bill of lading.”