Biden’s White House Infiltrated

White House Infiltrated

Joe Biden’s Imperial Palace has been infiltrated. Someone managed to back door the White House press corps.  The wildest part is that a fictional character was considered the most efficient person in the department.

Kacey Montagu has a reputation as the go-to person for information, and a de-facto policy adviser. The reality is that the person behind the digital mask might not even be old enough to vote because a substantial number of users are children and young adults.

Infiltrated by a virtual character

Science Fiction writers have been warning of this scenario for generations, now it’s finally here. Virtual reality has become so prevalent and widely accepted that there is a niche reality for everyone on the other side of the screen, any time, at the press of a few buttons. Also, in parallel, thanks to Covid-19 everyone is telecommuting.

Chatting with co-workers in the hallway is contagious so everyone communicates from home via email and message exchanges. It’s no surprise that the real and the electronic worlds are blurring together. The scary part is that Biden’s administration got infiltrated because they can’t tell the difference between real and imaginary.

Roblox is a popular video game platform where users interact with each other in their own virtual worlds using creatively created personas. One of them escaped into the real world and infiltrated the White House. Users of the platform have created a “role-playing group called nUSA, where people from across the world engage in a mock U.S. government exercise.”

An avatar named Kacey Montagu held the post of Secretary of State until the President declared war on the U.K. which Kacey thought “was a pretty bad idea!” She took a lateral shift to the press corps to become chief political correspondent for the “White House News.”

People who enjoy these virtual reality models often carry their online personas into the “macroscopic” real-life world of social media. It wasn’t long before fictional character Kacey Montagu set up a couple real twitter accounts. Using @WHschedule and @WHpoolreport, both of which have been canceled, Montagu kept the nation informed on the Imperial Palace comings and goings.

“The accounts tweeted the schedule of the president, the vice president, and the two spouses.” The White House was so easily and painlessly infiltrated that nobody even noticed. The fake “accounts were so efficient that they ‘got attention from insiders’ and were followed by multiple White House correspondents AND White House officials.”


All the way up the line

When those correspondents and staffers started chatting, Kacey chatted right back. The quick thinking gamer found out that using Covid for an excuse as to why she “couldn’t be there” was a great way to get answers to questions her and her friends were wondering about.

Without realizing they had been infiltrated by an outsider, the official staffers passed Montagu’s questions all the way up the line to Jen Psaki, who dutifully responded on the air. Some of the officials were thoughtful enough to follow up directly with answers and more information.

It all fell apart after one particularly loaded question exploded before anyone realized what had happened. Montagu managed to plant a question with a reporter for the Washington Blade.

“How involved is former President Obama and First Lady Obama in the Biden – Harris administration? Is President Biden seeking to bring back the often bipartisan portrait unveiling events at the White House?” That was just too good of a question. Politico started digging into where it came from and they are the ones who discovered that the palace had been infiltrated.

That’s when they found out that “Jen Psaki had been unknowingly answering the imposter’s questions for weeks.” The official Palace Spokesunit had been pwned by an online troll who infiltrated the White House so smoothly nobody even noticed. Kacey is still lurking in the identity shadows but has spoken to the public about the motivation. “I love journalism, and I think the Press Corps is doing a pretty bad job at the moment, so I decided I would ensure some transparency and ask some questions me and some friends wanted the answer to.”

Psaki was tricked into answering queries related to “Covid-19 travel bans, upcoming ambassadorships, and Biden’s reaction to Microsoft being hacked.” Unofficially, Montagu may turn out to be “an 18-year-old law student from the United Kingdom who was born in the U.S. before moving across the pond with their family at age six.” Politico was told off the record that “they were studying political science. He or she said they are not motivated by politics, but were socially liberal and conservative on economic issues.”

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