Bernie Sanders Caught Funneling Campaign Money to His…

Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator and self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist, has a long history of lambasting capitalism, demanding that the wealthy pay their “fair share” in taxes, and ranting about income inequality.

But recently it has been revealed that he transferred $200,000 from his campaign to a nonprofit institute – one which employs both his wife and son.

This raises questions about what this non-profit actually does and whether or not Senator Sanders is taking advantage of his position for personal gain.

At first glance, it would appear that Bernie Sanders is simply putting money towards something good – after all, it is a nonprofit organization.

However, upon further investigation there appears to be more than meets the eye here.

According to Fox News Digital who reported on this story in detail, not only did Sen. Sanders transfer $200K from his campaign’s coffers into this non-profit, but its latest tax forms reveal that nearly 40% of its donations were used to pay salaries – primarily those of his wife and stepson.

In addition to this alarming statistic, very few identifiable accomplishments can be found from the organization itself and it appears to conduct minimal work overall.

Given how vocal he has been on issues such as income inequality and taxation throughout his political career – these revelations are more than a little concerning.

Senator Sanders frequently speaks out against capitalist systems yet seems perfectly fine with profiting off them himself when necessary.

This begs the question: why is this happening?

Unfortunately for us taxpayers, we may never get an answer as politicians like Bernie often have ways of avoiding accountability for their actions due to their positions in government office.

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