Alert: The Purge Has Begun


CNN, the ailing left-wing propaganda network has begun a purge of their unvaccinated workforce firing three of their staff who had the audacity to insist upon their bodily autonomy and came to work without submitting to the temporarily approved COVID19 vaccine. The news broke on August 5th when CNN President Jeff Zucker told his staff in a memo that was initially acquired by The New York Times‘ Michael M. Grynbaum.

CNN Clamps Down HARD To Purge Dissent

According to Axios, “The memo also stated that effective Thursday, CNN workers in the Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta offices were required to wear face masks, with few exceptions. This doesn’t apply to the network’s New York offices because masks haven’t been mandated in the state, according to the memo.”

Zucker told his staff, “Thus far, we have left proof of vaccination to an honor system. While we have asked for attestation to your status via Passcard, it has not been mandatory to produce a vaccine card. In the past week, we have been made aware of three employees who were coming to the office unvaccinated.”

This would seem to send a very clear message to CNN’s staff: while the network previously wouldn’t require proof of vaccination as a condition of employment, now if it is established that you are not vaccinated then you can expect to be fired.

“All three have been terminated. Let me be clear. We have a zero-tolerance policy on this,” Zucker wrote.

“You need to be vaccinated to come to the office. And you need to be vaccinated to work in the field, with other employees, regardless of whether you enter an office or not, Period.”

Reuters provided additional details from the memo which remove any potential for misinterpretation, “Everyone from news, sports, and studios who comes in now and going forward must be vaccinated. We have been clear about this for months, so there should be no confusion,”

The Biden-Harris Regime Gives Implicit Approval

The employer vaccine mandate is becoming more and more common, and proof of vaccination as a condition for service or accommodation is also starting to emerge in the form of “vaccine passport” requirements in states like New York.

According to ZeroHedge, CNN’s Offices are currently working on a “voluntary basis” with full-time occupancy expected sometime in October now, pushed back from a previous Sept. 7th projection.

“Given the uncertainty that exists today, we are reluctant to put a specific date on it,” Zucker commented.

“We will evaluate in the coming weeks, and I promise that we will give you at least 30 days’ notice for any return.”

The Washington Post wrote,

“The Justice Department issued guidance last month that existing law doesn’t prohibit workplaces from mandating vaccine shots. Lynn N. Hughes, the federal judge who ruled in favor of Houston Methodist, also wrote in his decision that Texas law only protects employees from termination when they are asked to commit an illegal act carrying criminal penalties.”


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