
Adam Schiff Brutal Attack…

Hecklers verbally attacking Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler momentarily stole the show from the House Judiciary Committee on Monday. It’s clear that incidents like these were the reason C-SPAN chose not to cover the field hearing on the state of violent crime in New York City. There were protesters dragged away from the other side of the political spectrum as well. The locals make it glaringly obvious that soft on crime lawmakers aren’t real popular there.

Schiff and Nadler ripped hard

The Hill is reporting that the House Judiciary Committee hearing about violent crime “descended into disarray” on Monday, April 17, “after hecklers interrupted Representative Adam Schiff.” Specifically, one called him a “scumbag” to his face.

Another local conservative had a few choice things to say to Jerrold Nadler. Unfortunately, he has the rabidly liberal lawmaker confused with once controversial product safety activist Ralph Nader. He may have used the wrong name but everyone knew who he was talking about.

The moment shifty Adam Schiff opened his mouth to spew his California style defense of anarchy, the audience erupted into jeers. They were incensed by his criticism of conservatives for daring to hold the hearing in Manhattan. His unfounded accusation that they were merely “coming to the defense of former President Trump” prompted one resident to leap to his feet, shouting. “You’re a scumbag!

Jordan agreed but still had an obligation to maintain order and had the man removed. Even though he was grinning about what the guy said. The deplorable protester managed to add that the committee was paying “attention to people who are justifying a bunch of families dying. You guys are scumbags! All of you! Every one of you!

While police escorted him out, another man jumped up in support. He proclaimed at the top of his voice that the violent crime was “Alvin Bragg’s fault.” While wasting all his time railroading President Donald Trump, he allowed the city’s criminals to take over.

Unfortunately, as he then glowered and shouted at New York lawmaker Jerrold Nadler, he used the wrong name, which added a little humor and lightened the mood. “This is all because of Alvin Bragg. Ralph Nader, you’re a disgrace to this country.” Schiff couldn’t resist humiliating the man for his mistake.

Unfortunate attack

If the heckler had used the correct name, the sound bite would be circulating around the media outlets for days. Schiff was thrilled for an opportunity to deflect from what the man was vocalizing. Fury at the New York congressman sitting directly in front of him.

That was a very unfortunate attack on Ralph Nader,” the California Democrat quipped, “getting laughs from other lawmakers and audience members.” It was a pretty good attack on Nadler, too.

Once the hearing got underway, one witness after another testified about how they weren’t getting anything like the proper justice they expected, while liberal prosecutors like Bragg and his staff kept turning vicious killers loose on the street.

Violent crimes are up everywhere in the city and shoplifting has virtually been decriminalized. Schiff, Nadler and their liberal cronies don’t have a word to say to any of that.

Every chance he got, Schiff took the opportunity to deflect the heat from Democrats who obviously deserve it. Despite the scathing attack on his colleague, the progressive managed to flip it back around at every opportunity.

Those comments about Ralph Nader are way out of line.” They weren’t about Nader, they were about Nadler and they also weren’t out of line, they were “right on target.” Schiff is apparently “whistling past the graveyard.

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