
Previous Israeli PM Warns Americans of Dangers Ahead

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cautioned the USA on Sunday against participating in a brand-new nuclear deal with Iran.

The Return To A Terrible Deal, Trump Walked Away From

The Biden regime signed on with settlements in 2021 to re-establish the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the “Iran nuclear deal,” after then-President Donald Trump took out the U.S. from the accord in 2018. Two weeks prior though, the State Department stated that a new deal was in the works. But, Russia’s intrusion of Ukraine has actually made the delicate arrangement process much more complicated, and at present, the deal teeters on disintegration. Russia has been a lead negotiator on the new deal.

Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu  Can’t Stay Silent

As Israel’s leader at the time, Netanyahu vehemently opposed the Iran nuclear bargain when it was initially bargained under the Obama administration. Iran, as national policy, refuses to recognize Israel’s sovereignty and shamelessly funds terrorist groups that assault Israel.

In a video clip released Sunday– the very same day Iranian projectiles struck an area around a United States consulate in north Iraq near Erbil – Netanyahu discussed why the forthcoming offer is”downright dangerous.”

“The desperate rush to sign this flawed nuclear agreement with Iran is not only absurd — it’s downright dangerous,” Netanyahu said.

“Yesterday, Iran fired missiles in the vicinity of the American consulate in Iraq, and the U.S. continues to charge ahead along with the other powers to sign a nuclear agreement that will give the Ayatollahs a nuclear arsenal,” He continued. “It would also relieve sanctions and give them hundreds of billions of dollars in order to continue the terror that they waged yesterday and wage every day throughout the Middle East and the world.”

Netanyahu, a strong supporter of the United States, stated the brand-new offer negotiated under Biden”is even worse than its predecessor because in three years’ time, under this agreement, Iran will be a threshold nuclear state. It will have enough enriched uranium to create dozens and dozens of nuclear bombs and it will have the ICBMs to deliver them to any place in the United States,”  he openly warned the American people.

“That is … unbelievable. It’s not merely unacceptable, it endangers not only my country, Israel, but your country, the United States, and the entire world,” Netanyahu continued. “We should not let an aggressive, rogue, terrorist regime like Iran have nuclear weapons.”

“Have we learned nothing?” he asked Americans.

Despite Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s lead mediator on the revived JCPOA, flaunting that Moscow, Beijing, and also Tehran essentially deceived the United States making an utter fool of Biden, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman reiterated the regime’s delusional line Sunday that moving forward with the Iran nuclear deal is the best way to prevent Iran from manufacturing nuclear weapons.

H/T The Blaze


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