
Trump Adviser Makes SHOCK CONFESSION…

Dr. Deborah Birx, one of Donald Trump’s primary COVID advisers, finally came clean this week on vaccinations.

With what she said, she and everyone involved in mandating vaccines should be arrested and charged for deceiving the American people.

Her confession about the efficacy of vaccines is utterly shameful, and it should be criminal, considering the stakes.

They Knew…

Birx came clean while talking to Fox News’ Neil Cavuto.

She admitted that she “knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection.”

She told Cavuto, “We overplayed the vaccines.”

I’m sorry, what? People were forced to take this vaccine for fear of losing their livelihoods, and now you are telling us you knew they would not prevent infection, as we were all told?

Keep in mind, if you said those exact words when Trump was in office, your social media account got shut down.

John Solomon recently did a podcast on this with Dr. Harvey Risch.

When you have some time to spare, I highly encourage you to give it a listen…

The part that got my attention is Risch stating that emergency use authorization is one of the “tricks of the trade that drug companies have perfected to avoid being scrutinized for the harms that their products will eventually cause.”

I would imagine that line alone will start to cause considerable panic.

Source: Just the News

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