Top Ally STUNS Trump… Makes Wild Move

Donald Trump
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The second hat is in the ring and it is not Ron DeSantis.

No, my friends, it is Nikki Haley.

Haley served in Trump’s administration as the Ambassador to the United Nations.

She is also the former Governor of South Carolina as well as a former State Representative.

Get in the Game

We know Haley has been mulling this question, but she did vow to stay out of the race if Trump was in it.

We have to go back to April 2021, when she stated, “I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about it.

“That’s something that we will have a conversation about at some point if that decision is something that has to be made.”

She did cover herself a bit there, so I guess it was enough that we cannot call her an outright liar.

And she did have a conversation with Trump, who told her to go with her heart and run if that she is what she wanted to do.

Realistically, Haley needs to be a VP or high-ranking cabinet member before she will be able to make a legitimate run at the White House, so I think she pulled the string a bit early here.

This could also be a setup for her to draw votes from DeSantis in a concession to be added to Trump’s ticket as the VP.

I especially think that could be true if we do not see Trump lose his mind over this, and he has not done that as of yet.

If it plays out that way, Haley would be a very strong contender for the White House in 2028 IF Trump manages to win the general election.

Source: Fox News

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