Tomi Lahren ROASTS Geraldo When He Slanders The Freedom Truckers

Tomi Lahren ROASTS Geraldo When He Slanders The Freedom Truckers [WATCH]

During an episode of “The Story” with Martha MacCallum on Fox News, Tomi Lahren absolutely roasted Geraldo Rivera when he tried to slander the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

While discussing the Freedom Convoy currently taking place in Ottawa, the Canadian capital, Geraldo Rivera attempted to smear the truckers taking part in the protest as thugs. Truckers from all over Canada have joined together to create a blockade in the capital city, peacefully demonstrating against authoritarian mandates and restrictions by blocking traffic, honking their horns, dancing, singing, and waving flags.

Leftists like Geraldo and the rest of the mainstream media have tried to slander the truckers by finding examples of bad behavior at the protest and trying to act as if that represents the protest as a whole. One man showed up at the Freedom Convoy with a Confederate flag, and another with a Nazi flag, and both were quickly kicked out by the rest of the protesters. Obviously, the media got tons of photos of the flags, and reported endlessly on them, but completely ignored the fact that these two bad apples were kicked out. The same problem happened with the honking: the majority of the truckers stop honking at night, because they know that nothing is going to be solved by keeping their fellow Canadians up at night. But the media refuses to report on that fact, so the left pushes the narrative that the ‘evil truckers’ are honking their horns all night and keeping people awake. And this is exactly the claim that Geraldo tries to make.

“Their behavior has been nothing short of thuggish in Ottawa. They’ve kept people in the neighborhood awake all night, revving their engines, blowing their horns,” he said. “They deprived Ottawa businesses of tens of millions of dollars. Now they’re blockading the international bridges. They’re laying off people, cutting their shifts short in automotive assembly plants because they can’t get the parts from Canada to the United States. They used their crowbars to threaten cops who were going to tow their trucks away they were blocking.”

“To give them the mantle of freedom fighters is absolutely, appallingly naïve,” Geraldo added.

Unfortunately for the left-wing Fox News host, Tomi Lahren wasn’t going to let him get away with slandering these protesters.

“Listen, the demonization of the working class, the blue collar folks that keep Canada and keep the United States and keep the world running has to end,” she said. “And this is part of the frustration. These are truckers out there that are standing for their rights and their freedoms. Are there a few bad apples in the group? I’m sure, as with any group. But I wonder what Geraldo would say to our Founding Fathers – those that fought for freedom and the inception of this nation, who stood up for their rights and their freedom. Would he call them thugs? Would he call them degenerates? That would be my question. Because these are folks out there fighting for their rights and their freedom. Thank goodness they’re doing it. I hope that they remain peaceful.”

“If it comes to the United States, I will absolutely support it,” Lahren continued. “This is what needs to be done to get the government elites and the unelected bureaucrats to pay attention to this issue. We’ve done this for two years now. The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. People want normalcy and they are demanding it.”


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