
Special Interests Group Pressuring Biden to Sink the USA

Environmental extremist, special interests backed by a cadre of Democrat Governors will soon launch a more than $10 million advertising campaign bent on pressuring the Biden-Harris regime and Democrat-Socialist controlled Congress to dump trillions of taxpayer dollars into “climate change” and “clean energy” dumpster fires.

Straight. Up. Propaganda.

The truly rage-inducing part of it? They have the nerve to call it “The Great American Build,” and have proudly released their first video onto YouTube called “Calling all builders”. In a 30 second propaganda piece which is just a small example of what is to come, they call on “welders, roofers, engineers, electricians, brick masons, boiler-makers, steel workers and steam fitters” telling them “Your country is calling you to rebuild America, to create a cleaner, safe, more prosperous future for all,” the ad says. “Tackling climate change — this is the job of our lifetime.” Its’ something straight out of Goebbels.

The Special Interests Know This Is A Job Killer- They Don’t Care

The singular most terrifying prospect of the ‘green’ agenda of the Biden-Harris regime and their special interest backers is that the left are completely aware that the changes they are seeking to bring about will absolutely devastate the middle class and destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs. Even on the back of the economy devastating and wildly unnecessary COVID restrictions. the left simply doesn’t care.

NBC news reported,

“Some job losses, such as those in coal mining or oil pipelines, are unavoidable if the U.S. is to achieve Biden’s goal of zeroing out U.S. emissions economywide by 2050. Jeff Navin, a former chief of staff at the Energy Department, said the political strategy behind Biden’s climate proposals centers on aggressive spending to ensure that the net effect is to create more high-paying jobs than are lost.

“In some ways the bigger they go on the spending side, the easier it is to sell a broader climate package, because the net economic effect is pretty big,” said Navin, who is now at the government affairs firm Boundary Stone Partners. “I think the climate groups rightly recognize that this is their moment for action.”

Even Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, mired in COVID nursing home controversies like New York’s Andrew Cuomo took some time to add to the spin. She makes the claim that “We can put millions back to work and prepare states like ours to face climate change while creating unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses and prosperity for our people,”.

The Consequences Will Be Felt For Decades.

Whitmer and the special interests that fund her as well seem obtusely oblivious to the fact that hundreds of thousands of families will be economically devastated by these policies and that fundamental re-training and HUMAN BEINGS seeking, finding and adapting to new careers takes YEARS, during the intervening time welfare, unemployment, food stamps, WIC and other state & federal aid programs will be absolutely overrun, they are already dangerously overtaxed today. And what follows on the heels of these? Divorce, abuse, broken homes and families, childhood delinquency and crime.

The annihilation of large swaths of the American economy has deep and far-reaching implications that we’re only beginning to cope with. Today in 2021 we’re still grappling with the fallout of the manufacturing implosion of the 1960’s through the 1990’s.

Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute explained quite clearly for PragerU the only way to lift people out of poverty is through opportunity, not heavy handed government edicts and a welfare state.


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