
RADICAL LEFTISTS Make Announcement, The Same Announcement That Would Get Patriots ARRESTED

The saying that “if Democrats didn’t have double standards, then they wouldn’t have any standards at all” is becoming truer every day. Now a statement by radical leftists shows this more now than ever.

Radical Leftists Strike Again

The Democrat Party is the party of slavery and they are still intent on dividing Americans based off their skin color.

A Black Lives Matter member announced that Martin Luther King Jr. was actually quite violent and that BLM should follow in that.

Charlie Stewart is now making “interesting” statements about various topics regarding black Americans.

“I think it’s important for organizers and freedom fighters to reflect on what our ancestors did, what they were trying to tell the world,” said Stewart, a 34-year-old community organizer with Black Queer & Intersectional Collective who uses they/them pronouns according to the Columbus Dispatch. “We like to try to reflect on what they were telling us. What is still relevant today? Most of it is.”

BLM Causing Trouble

Instead of focusing on peace and unity, radical leftists are telling people that MLK was much more of an anarchist than he is usually portrayed as.

“People see him as this respectable preacher who preached love and peace and harmony,” Stewart said.

“MLK was more radical and left than people would think. He really preached about us building our own types of systems to address our own pain, our own needs. That is what speaks to me about MLK Jr. That’s why I’m an abolitionist,” Stewart said. “He is the one who told us about forming communities of care … and about self-preservation and really building the village.”

Craziness a Common Theme

The executive director of the People’s Justice Project in Columbus, Aramis Malachi-Ture Sundiata is also getting in on the action of inciting violence.

“Everybody wants a taste of freedom and everybody wants a taste of purpose, and we just happen to be doing it in the political arena,” said Sundiata, of the North Side. “When you see what is possible, when you see people out here chanting ‘Whose streets? Our streets!’ and then you see people begin to believe that — that’s intoxicating. That’s what gets you up in the morning. People feel purpose, and that is what drives you.”

Yep, radical leftists keep getting more radical.

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