
Nancy Pelosi Blinks, Trump WINS!

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats blinks and it’s a huge win for America First Republicans. Senate Democrat-Socialists in lockstep behind Majority Leader Chuck Schumer were stymied by all but six Republicans voting against the sham 9/11-commission like “investigation” of the January 6th Capitol breach in late May. House Democrats began scrambling for any route to carry out their hostile, partisan inquisition.

Immediately members of Pelosi’s secretive Democrat caucus started floating various hairbrained schemes.

Pelosi’s Series of Bad Options

First, they suggested brining the commission back to the Senate for another vote since Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) a well-known anti-Trump RINO had missed the first vote, that could give them a seventh Republican, but would still leave them three short of the 60 vote threshold needed to defeat the GOP filibuster.

It’s a non-starter, because it is HIGHLY unlikely that additional Republicans commit political ritual-suicide by siding against the growing grassroots America First movement which has seen a revitalization in light of recent Biden-Harris regime disasters. And Speaker Pelosi was forced to admit that this is “not a workable idea in this circumstance”.

Second, several disheartened but still vengeful Democrats floated the concept of a very authoritarian “Presidential Commission” being assembled by the Biden-Harris regime themselves. Such a move would shed any thin pretense of an “independent” investigation and reveal the witch hunt for the partisan hit job it always has been. But at this point, the desperate leftists increasingly don’t care. They are literally and figuratively abandoning the masks.

According to ABC News, Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly said in a statement,

“In light of the GOP’s cowardly filibuster of a bipartisan January 6th commission, I urge President Biden to form and appoint a Presidential Commission to fully investigate the insurrection at the United States Capitol, to identify the individuals and organizations who plotted or were involved in those violent acts, and to make recommendations to prevent such an attack from ever recurring,”

Finally, Pelosi can look within her own House and form a committee under her own authority, however, this has the same problem as a Presidential Commission, with Democrats firmly in control of the House, there is no way for her to carry out any investigation that doesn’t carry the taint of being a partisan exercise with absolutely no credibility.

John Bresnahan of Punchbowl News summed it up in a tweet,

When Pelosi Blinks, It’s Time To Double Down

Republicans in the Senate and the House know the score, even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is on the right side of this one calling the so-called Jan. 6th Commission a “Democrat trap.”

It all likelihood, the Democrat-Socialists’ dream of rounding up America First politicians and drumming them out of the government in shame, is dead on the table. Now is the time for the GOP to press forward in removing and primary challenging RINO’s to strenghthen their position going into 2022. The Speaker sees her gavel falling away in a year, and she isn’t happy.

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