Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has appointed herself the savior of the Republican Party.
This is rather ironic since her father created a war to save George Bush’s presidency, but I digress… this is about Liz, not her father.
Cheney will likely get ousted from her House seat in this election, but that may be a blessing in disguise if we read between the lines of a recent Cheney interview.
Darling of the Establishment
The anti-Trumpers in the GOP establishment love Liz Cheney.
They won’t see boo about the atrocities of her old man, but they will back her to no end.
This demographic is hoping to put someone that can get some grip against Trump in the primary if the former president decides to run, and that could be Cheney.
When asked if she would run, she gave a very interesting answer that has me believing her name will be on that ballot.
She stated, “I haven’t really at this point. I’ve not made a decision about 2024. I am really very focused on the substance of what we have to do on the select committee.
“Very focus on the work that I have to do to represent the people of Wyoming.
“I’ll make a decision about 2024 down the road.
“But I do think as we look towards the next presidential election, as I said, I believe that our nation stands on the edge of an abyss.
“I do believe that we all have to really think very seriously about the dangers we face in the threats we face and we have to elect serious candidates.
“We’ve got to look people who will take their obligations and their oath seriously and who will deal with issues of substance with respect for people who have disagreements.
“And we’ve got to be able to come together and stop the very dangerous kind of politics we have lived through over the last year and a half certainly.”
I can see this already and can just imagine her campaign slogan… “I Am Not Donald Trump, So Vote for Me.”
I think Hillary Clinton tried that, and it did not work so well for her, either.
Source: Breitbart