Yet another Democrat has been caught breaking the law. Authorities have executed search warrants on the home and business of House Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton, who is being accused of embezzlement of up to $954,000 as part of a laundering, racketeering, and illegal kickbacks scheme.
New Mexico state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton is being accused of funneling money “from Albuquerque Public Schools through a bogus robotics management learning company, amassing over 5 million dollars,” according to reporting from KOB4.
A letter was sent to to the New Mexico Attorney General in April, written by newly-appointed Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Scott Elder, which alleged “Suspected Violations of Governmental Conduct Act and Procurement Code.”
Authorities are currently investigating connections between Rep. Williams Stapleton and a Washington, D.C. company, Robotics Management Learning Systems LCC, which has been doing business with Albuquerque Public Schools since 2006.
The search warrant reveals that every invoice issued by the robotics company to Albuquerque Public Schools was written for an even dollar amount. The amounts have reportedly been unchanging over the years, with the majority of the invoices being for exactly $40,000. In total, the school system paid the robotics company more than $5.3 million.
The Democrat House Majority Leader has also been found to have direct connections with four companies that received payments from Robotics: The Charlie Morrisey Center for Creative Assitance Inc., the Ujima Foundation, S. Williams and Associates, and A Taste of The Caribbean, a local restaurant.
Evidence shows that Rep. Williams Stapleton was the eventual recipient of 60% of the funds given by Albuquerque Public Schools — $954,386. Police have also been investigating additional payments that were redirected into her personal bank accounts.
KOB4 reports: “Williams Stapleton was able to be involved with the procurement of a contract with the company and she could also approve invoices from the company. Robotics Learning then paid money to Stapleton, her businesses, and the non-profits she is involved with.”
The Democrat House Majority Leader has not been arrested yet, but it is likely that the investigation will end with formal charges being brought against her.