Florida Governor Ron DeSantis STRIKES BACK… Game, Set, Match!

California Governor Gavin Newsom is in a full-throttle attack against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and has been for some time.

This is pretty amusing since it was Newsom that had to fight off a recall election.

It is also rather amusing considering the financial shape of California compared to Florida.

DeSantis has finally fired back, and I would say he just ended this little war rather convincingly.

Shots Fired

When DeSantis finally let loose, he did not hold back at all.

In response to the constant attacks of Newsom trying to lure Floridians out west, he stated, “When families are uprooting from the Pacific Coast to go almost 3,000 miles in search of a better life, that’s telling you something.

“Yes, we’ve created a citadel of freedom here that has attracted people and we’re proud of it.

“But, let’s just be clear, California is driving people away with their terrible governance.”

He also stated, “Some of the best weather in the world in southern California, they have some of the best natural advantages – probably the best natural advantages of any state in this country… And, for the entire history of California, they never lost population until this recent governor got into office.

“And, now they’re hemorrhaging population. It’s almost hard to drive people out of a place like California, given all their natural advantages. And yet, they’re finding a way to do it.”

The amusing aspect is that Newsom is apparently doing this to raise his national profile in the hopes of running for president if Joe Biden bows out.

That right there tells you the state of the Democrat Party today.

Their great hope is an almost-recalled governor.

Source: Fox News

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