DeSantis Just Landed a KNOCKOUT Blow!

For most of the last year, Governor Newsom has initiated a competition of sorts with Governor Ron DeSantis.

Well, DeSantis may have just landed the knockout punch.

This comes courtesy of a study regarding the pandemic that was conducted by the Paragon Health Institute.

Bad News for Libs

The Paragon study took a deep dive into the effects of the pandemic from a lockdown standpoint.

It examined how the elongated lockdowns impacted the economy as well as the educational system in states.

There were no two more opposite approaches than that of Florida and California, and Florida clearly came out the winner.

This was the section of the report that really got me, however.

It stated, “California imposed severe and prolonged lockdowns.

“Florida relaxed general lockdowns after a short time and focused protection measures on the vulnerable elderly.

“These policies were noteworthy since COVID infection mortality rates were known to be much higher for the elderly.

“Florida has one of the oldest populations and California one of the youngest.”

Was there any significant difference in the mortality rate of CA and FL? Not really.

And we all know that Florida came out of the pandemic in far better shape that virtually every other state in the country, red or blue, lockdown or no lockdown.

I would say DeSantis got the big win here, and hopefully our government learned that hiding everyone is not the solution.

You can read the full report on Fox News.

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