
Democrat Lawmaker ARRESTED, Charged With Felonies

As Lt. G.D. Langford placed Georgia Lawmaker and Democrat Park Cannon, an Atlanta Representative under arrest, he wrote in his report “The events of January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol were in the back of my mind.” Rep. Cannon is now charged with two felonies for the incident.

Governor Kemp was signing the desperately needed Election Integrity Act of 2021 into law in a closed-door ceremony streamed online. According to,

“The 98-page bill makes dramatic alterations to Georgia’s absentee voting rules, adding new identification requirements, moving back the request deadline and other changes after a record 1.3 million absentee ballots overwhelmed local elections officials and raised Republican skepticism of a voting method they created.”

“With Senate Bill 202, Georgia will take another step toward ensuring our elections are secure, accessible and fair,” Kemp said in a live-streamed speech. “Ensuring the integrity of the ballot box isn’t partisan, it’s about protecting the very foundation of who we are as Georgians and Americans.”

Just outside of the office, the most dangerous show in Atlanta was about to begin.

Democrat Lawmaker Arrested Leading Protestors to Governor’s Secured Office

Lieutenant Langford asserted that he attempted to “de-escalate” the situation as Rep. Cannon led a group of protestors to the  door of Governor Brian Kemp’s private office, a secured aread. According to Lt. Langford, Rep. Cannon “began to get louder as she was refusing to follow my commands.” He said, “I didn’t want the protestors to attempt to gain entry into a secure part of the Capitol.” In other words, Rep. Cannon was inviting a replay of Jan. 6th at the Georgia Statehouse by leading a group of leftist protestors to the Governor’s secured office. There was only one way for officers to respond.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution wrote,

“Lt. G.D. Langford, said in a 13-page incident report that he was worried that other protesters would have been “emboldened” to follow state Rep. Park Cannon’s lead if he didn’t arrest her after she refused his requests to stop knocking on Kemp’s private second-floor office in the Georgia Capitol.”

Langford added, “I believed Cannon’s actions of obstructing law enforcement in front of agitated protestors to constitute a breach of the peace.” Cannon is charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disruption of a general assembly session. If she is convicted she could face up to five years in prison. AlterNet reports that, “the Georgia Democratic Caucus is already calling for those charges to be dropped.”

Cannon’s attorney Gerald Griggs has indicated the Georgia Democrat will challenge Lt. Langford’s account and fight the charges in court. “We’re going to fight this case all the way to jury trial.”

Dangerous Democrat Political Theater

Video from the Associated Press confirms that the Representative was given a lawful order calmly and respectfully as the crowd jeered officers and chose deliberately to defy it, resulting in her arrest, which has been played up as an obvious publicity stunt. Check out the video below.

An unidentified protestor is heard to ask the officer “Yeah, you said you’d give her one more time like you’re going to do something.” after the officer warned the lefty lawmaker not to approach the door again. When she ignored his order, ‘Do something’ he did, and the over-dramatized arrest complete with a perp-walk while news cameras rolled followed shortly thereafter.

Rep. Cannon should be ashamed of herself and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for placing these officers in a dangerous position just to chase some political clout.


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