Country Singer Unleashes the FURY on Biden: Quit Trying to Ruin My Country

Country Singer Unleashes the FURY on Biden: Quit Trying to Ruin My Country

At a recent show in Charleston, West Virginia, country music star Aaron Lewis went on a fiery rant against Joe Biden, saying: Quit trying to ruin my f*cking country.”

Aaron Lewis, who is well known as the lead vocalist, guitarist, and founding member of the rock band Staind, has been an outspoken critic of Joe Biden and the left in the past few years.

He recently released a song calling out the behavior of the left, entitled Am I The Only One,” and about what’s going wrong in this country.

While introducing that song, Lewis went off into a fiery rant against Biden and the Democrats.

Here’s what Lewis had to say:

“They think it’s about statues. They don’t think it’s about the thousands of ships parked just off our ports, unable to unload the goods that we need so desperately because the government is standing in the f*cking way.

It’s not about the fact that they are teaching our children to judge each other by the color of their skin. It’s not about the fact that we were all locked down while a bunch of Democrats rioted in the streets and burned down cities and looted stores.

No, it’s not that at all… No, it’s about me defending a bunch of Democratic statues being torn down. It’s f*cking really f*cking ridiculous.

Wake up people… they’re purposely trying to sink our ship. A very small handful of people compared to all of us where the power lies. It is we the people.

This is the only country in the world that is designed with the power from the bottom up. Every single thing that the government has ever done that wasn’t good for this country is to flip it around from the top down.

If you want top down, go to any communist country in the f*cking world. Go to any socialist country in the world. Go to any other f*cking country in the world. Quit trying to ruin my f*cking country.”


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