Biden Press Sec Caught LYING First Day on the Job

Biden Press Sec Caught LYING First Day on the Job

It was expected that Joe Biden and his team would continue to lie to the American people as they did throughout the campaign. Biden’s Press Secretary wasted no time, starting off day one of his presidency with a major lie.

Lying is the Strategy

In his inaugural address just before the press secretary spoke to reporters, Biden had vowed that his administration would fight “lies” with “truth.” Clearly, that was a lie.

Speaking to reporters in her first briefing on January 20, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated that Biden had issued an executive order to “put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy written in religious animus and xenophobia.”

The Democrats‘ often-repeated claim that the travel ban on terror-prone countries was a “Muslim ban” has been debunked so many times, it’s almost pointless to continue to respond to it. The ban never targeted Muslims, and was amended to include non-Muslim countries. It was also upheld by the Supreme Court.

Fact Check: False

Breitbart News fact-checked this claim by Biden last year:

“[T]here is no “Muslim ban,” and there never was. What Democrats called a “Muslim ban” was an executive order issued on January 27, 2017, that barred tourism and immigration from seven countries previously identified by the Obama-Biden administration as being particularly vulnerable to terrorism, partly because their internal record-keeping was substandard. These seven nations — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen — happened to be Muslim-majority countries, but there was no blanket ban on Muslims from other Middle Eastern countries or large Muslim countries like Indonesia.

Later, the executive order was updated, or superseded, by subsequent orders. A second version dropped Iraq from the list; a third version added North Korea and Venezuela, two countries without substantial Muslim populations whatsoever. The Supreme Court tossed legal challenges to the travel ban in October 2017. Several more countries — including non-Muslim ones — were added in January 2020. The “Muslim ban” exists only in the minds of Democrats and left-wing journalists.”

As Breitbart wrote, the seven nations indicated in the original travel ban were identified by former President Obama as being prone to terrorism. If the ban truly was a “Muslim ban,” the Obama-Biden administration is responsible for it.

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