Joe Biden’s approval rating tanked in the first week of February following his post-inauguration high mark. It’s clear that many Americans and even many leftists are experiencing some serious voter’s remorse.
The Polls Say
According to RealClearPolitics, Biden’s job approval rating hit it’s all-time high in a The Hill/HarrisX poll dated 1/28-1/29 with a 61% approval rate and 39% disapproval with a sample size of 945 registered voters and a margin of error of +/- 3.19%. In the four subsequent polls Biden’s approval has plunged hitting his lowest so far of 49% in a Quinnipiac poll dated 1/28-2/1 with a disapproval rate of 36%, sample size of 1,075 Adults with a margin of error of +/- 3%.
However, as Quinnipiac reports, in their question on the nation’s optimism,
“There are sharp divisions by party identification. Democrats say 90 – 7 percent and independents say 62 – 35 percent that they are optimistic. Republicans say 65 – 27 percent that they are pessimistic.”
What the Polls Suggest
Biden’s current Average on RCP is 54.3% Approval and 36% disapproval, this suggests two things: first, Trump supporters as always are starkly underrepresented in these polls with a 20+% discrepancy typical to the group. And President Trump’s supporters have absolutely no confidence in a Biden/Harris Administration as shown in a recent Frank Luntz Poll 78% of Trump voters believe the election was stolen.
I asked 800 Trump voters about the 2020 election.
• 78% agree with Trump’s claims that it was “stolen.”
• 67% believe if you count the votes “accurately and fairly,” Trump would win.
Respondents were weighted to reflect the Trump electorate by age, gender, ethnicity and edu.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) January 11, 2021
Remorse Is What We See
The far-left Antifa/BLM honeymoon with the Biden/Harris administration did not last long. It’s been widely reported that Antifa have been rioting up and down the cascades in Portland and Seattle, declaring themselves “ungovernable” and repudiating Biden “We don want Biden- We Want Revenge!”
Given all we've heard about the threat of insurgency, a healthy media would inform the national populace of coordinated riots that occurred across major American cities, particularly when it resulted in the destruction of the state headquarters of a governing political party.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 21, 2021
The Biden Regime has also angered BLM by ignoring their requests to meet with both him and Kamala Harris. The riot organizers posted to Twitter and Instagram December 11th and have even circulated a petition to try and draw attention to this. The lack of follow-through in the media shows that they’ve also lost the attention of the mainstream press. They’re no longer useful to them or to the administration. And they’re getting angry. They tweeted,
“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Rep. Cedric Richmond met with several civil rights groups yesterday. @blklivesmatter—as the largest social and justice movement in history—was not invited.”
“It has now been 32 days and we have yet to receive a response. To set up a meeting with civil rights leaders, without BLM, is unacceptable.”
The night of their victory, we sent @joebiden and @kamalaharris a letter requesting a meeting.
It has now been 32 days and we have yet to receive a response. To set up a meeting with civil rights leaders, without BLM, is unacceptable.
— Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) December 9, 2020
The honeymoon is officially over for Joe & Kamala. The Voter Remorse is Real
Your Antifa and BLM ground troops realize you’ve abandoned them. The people you promised $2,000 are calling you a liar. The second impeachment of Donald Trump is doomed to fail. And they don’t want you, they want revenge, remember? When they can’t go after President Trump or his supporters anymore, who do you think they’ll be going after? You.
$1,400 ≠ $2,000
— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) January 15, 2021