Another Joy Reid Meltdown: Claims Dems ‘Coddle’ Conservatives

Another Joy Reid Meltdown on Camera

MSNBC host Joy Reid had yet another post-election meltdown, this time insanely insisting that Democrats “coddle” conservatives, falsely claiming that Trump supporters rely on “victimhood.”

Reid was one of many radical leftists who had complete mental breakdowns after President-elect Donald Trump won his landslide victory on November 5. However, she has only seemed to get more unhinged since then. This time, she was following in the footsteps of her fellow leftists in advocating for isolation and families to break up over politics, advocating for all left-leaning Americans to cut off their Trump-supporting family members during the holiday season.

In doing so, Reid did what most Democrats do best: projection. She claimed during her Thursday show that conservatives — not leftists — were the ones who rely on the victimhood narrative to push their policy positions.

“So there is this strong dual energy among MAGA people and their apologists, and it actually fits quite neatly with the history of America, it’s equal parts bully energy, where they want to relentlessly troll liberals and lash out at minorities, and a victim energy, where those same liberals are supposed to take the trolling quietly and also pity the trolls. It’s the eternal victimhood of the conservative. We need to constantly coddle, study, and understand them,” she claimed, despite the fact that the left does absolutely nothing to try to “understand” or “coddle” conservatives, instead relying on smearing them as racists, sexists, and Hitler 2.0.

“We are the constant handmaidens and wet nurses who are required to baby them, understand them and serve them dinner,” she continued.

“And if we want just a mental health break from their conspiracy theories and complaints about trans people in the bathroom and on the soccer field and in the schools … we are the ones in the wrong. In short, our dinner, their choice,” Reid added, claiming that it’s he “same energy their forefathers had toward the indigenous tribes.”

She then launched into one of the left’s favorite ways to try to destroy the holiday season: attacking our forefathers for coming to America in the first place.

“Hey, let’s have Thanksgiving dinner on the land we stole from you. But before we pack you off to the reservation and snuff out your culture, could you please pass the corn on the cob?” Reid asked before launching into a tirade attempting to equate the Pilgrims to the illegal aliens flooding into the country under the Biden-Harris administration.

Reid then claimed that “you right-wingers” should have to “suffer the consequences” of voting for Trump, which most conservatives would be fine with — as we voted for him for a reason.

She went on to continue the ongoing leftist narrative that Democrats need to remove conservative family members from their holiday celebrations, parroting the same talking points as “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg pushed earlier this month.

“You don’t want to be around me because I voted for fascism? No fair. I am coughing on you with COVID, but you want me to wear a mask for your safety? No fair, my body, my choice. Well, here’s an alternative thought. Make your own dinner, MAGA. Make your own sandwiches, wipe your own tears, troll amongst yourselves with Elon and leave us alone,” Reid ranted.

Of course, the entire bizarre rant ultimately ended with Reid’s favorite subject: Trump.

“You got your heart’s desire: the president you dreamed of and worshiped instead of Jesus and this time you didn’t even have to storm the Capitol, smash the windows or try to kill police officers or issue death threats to poll workers. See you did it just by voting this time. Congrats. You got your way,” she concluded.

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