Man Takes 10 COVID Vaccine Shots in Single Day

WTH: Man Takes 10 COVID Vaccine Shots in Single Day

An investigation is underway after it was revealed that a man took ten COVID vaccine shots in a single day. The man, who has not been identified, reportedly visited several vaccination centers to receive the doses individually.

Astrid Koornneef, group manager of operations for the COVID vaccine and immunization program in New Zealand, has confirmed that the country’s Ministry of Health has been made aware of the issue and is taking it very seriously. The ministry would not reveal where exactly in New Zealand the incident took place.

“We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies,” Koornneef said, according to reporting by the New Zealand Herald.

The man was allegedly paid for receiving the shots for other individuals, according to reports.

“To assume another person’s identity and receive a medical treatment is dangerous,” Koornneef said. “This puts at risk the person who receives a vaccination under an assumed identity and the person whose health record will show they have been vaccinated when they have not.”

“Having an inaccurate vaccination status not only puts you at risk, it puts your friends, [family] and community at risk, and the health care teams that treat you now in the future,” she added. “Medical practitioners operate in a high-trust environment and rely on people to act in good faith to share information accurately to assist with their treatment.”

Helen Petousis-Harris, a vaccinologist and associate professor in the Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care at the University of Auckland, called the behavior “unbelievably selfish,” and said that the individuals behind it were taking advantage of someone who needed money.

Petousis-Harris also made sure to add the approved COVID narrative, stating that the actions could cause serious harm if the people who are not vaccinated say they are and are able to spread the virus. This, of course, ignores the fact that the vaccine does not prevent anyone from spreading COVID.

The vaccinologist also claimed that the man who took the ten COVID shots is unlikely to suffer any serious consequences from the vaccines, but will feel lousy the next day from a general immune response.

“We know that people have in error been given the whole five doses in a vial instead of it being diluted, we know that has happened overseas, and we know with other vaccines errors have occurred and there has been no long-term problems,” Petousis-Harris said, though she did note that when people are given higher doses, they get more fever, pains and headaches.

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