Patriotic Model Shows Off Her American Flag, and Much More

Patriotic Model Shows Off Her American Flag, and Much More

Patriotic model Elle Johnson has shared some saucy photos in her time on Twitter, but that’s not all she’s focused on. Even when sharing sexy images, Johnson has decided to speak on important issues with a bit of humor.

Earlier this year, the patriotic model spoke on the Chinese spy balloon controversy, making sure to add a bit of a funny twist.

Johnson stated, “It’s clear what’s happening with the Chinese #SpyBalloon now that it’s hovering over #KansasCity. They’ve bet heavy on the #Eagles -1.5 and are trying to steal the #Chiefs game plan! #GoChiefs!!!”

And another one on politics where she says, “And, while I’m talking politics (which I’m not), I will just say that if you live in a country where it is socially acceptable to eat dogs, you live in a crappy country.”

One more…this time on the January 6th Committee, “After watching just a smidgen of the #January6thSelectCommittee hearings today, I will simply say that, if you’re a man and you want to get with a hot woman, you might consider ratcheting back the tears just a tad.”

And apparently she was far too controversial for social media platform, Instagram, as Johnson explained how they kicked her off the site twice!

Although the main highlight of this patriotic model’s page is her showing her overwhelming support for the University of Michigan.

Here’s one that reads, “#GoBlue!!!!”

And another where she was celebrating in style, “Celebrating #Michigan‘s big win at the outside bar of my favorite Mexican restaurant in the US! @ElSegundoSol! The corn chips and tres salsas and corn tortillas are the best anywhere!! #GoBlue!! (Okay, maybe I’m on my second margarita!)”

And of course we couldn’t forget a wonderful fourth of July post.

Johnson captioned the post, “Happy #FourthOfJuly #IndependenceDay2022  I am and always be a proud #American!!”

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