On Tuesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer demanded David Weiss explain “what he means when he says” the Hunter Biden investigation is “ongoing.” He has the option to either brief the panel in person or submit a written explanation.
Is investigation ‘ongoing’ or not?
Everyone in Washington is trying to figure our exactly what David Weiss means when he says the Hunter Biden investigation remains “ongoing.” At the same time, he says the case is closed and Biden gets off with two years probation and some drug diversion programs. Hunter accepted the deal before any charges were even filed.
The U.S. Attorney for Delaware just handed Joe Biden’s demon-spawn offspring the plea deal of the century. Biden’s lawyer is smugly gloating that all of Hunter’s legal challenges have been “resolved.” All the bribery and influence peddling has been erased like it never even happened. Laptop? What laptop. Mention that word again and you’ll be in court over it.
“If [Weiss] can tell us that via mail,” they’d appreciate it but a briefing “would be better,” Comer told the press “preferably for time’s sake he could give us a briefing. I don’t think that’s asking too much.” If Congress wants to, Comer told CBS on Tuesday, June 20, they can force Weiss to testify. Either in front of his Oversight Committee or Jim Jordan’s Judiciary Committee. Possibly even the weaponization subcommittee which Jordan also chairs.
House Ways and Means: US Attorney David Weiss was denied the right to bring charges against Hunter Biden by Biden-appointed US Attorneys in Washington DC and California. When he applied for Special Counsel status to override the obstruction he was denied by Merrick Garland’s DOJ.… pic.twitter.com/rMRrqmlGbH
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) June 22, 2023
Weiss and his investigation have Republicans screaming. There are a couple IRS whistleblowers so steamed that the Ways and Means Committee went public on Thursday to reveal that Hunter was writing hookers off on his taxes as a business expense. He also used his dad in a shakedown text to his Chinese cash providers. The IRS had felony charges ready to roll since at least 2020. David Weiss they say is really impotent and being dragged around on a leash by Merrick Garland.
“He needs to be transparent with congressional investigators as to what exactly he’s investigating moving forward,” Comer insists. New York Post is still trying to cope with the fact that “after a five-year investigation, Weiss’ office announced Tuesday that Hunter, 53, will plead guilty to federal tax and firearms charges in exchange for no jail time and a felony-free criminal record.”
Plea deals don’t get any sweeter than that. Especially if it blocks off any kind of probe into his other alleged crimes. It might, or it might not. That’s why Comer needs an answer ASAP.
Two-tiered system of justice
Chairman Comer isn’t the only one screaming about bias at the Federal Bureau of Instigation, run by the Just Us Department. “Let’s be clear,” Comer underscored, the DOJ’s minimalist charges against Hunter Biden “reveals a two-tiered system of justice.” Joe Biden’s crack addicted playboy of a son “is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling and possibly bribery.”
When everyone started hollering about it, “Weiss clarified that the investigation into Hunter’s alleged illicit activities was ‘ongoing.‘” While that means he might be considering more charges, it isn’t likely. It’s more probable that the designation is there only to “allow federal authorities to refuse to supply documents to House Republicans.”
According to Cornell law professor Robert Hockett, just because Weiss claims an ongoing investigation it “did not necessarily mean more charges were coming.” Instead, he postulates, “my guess would be that they will continue to probe, just to sort of make sure they have got all the loose ends already captured and tied up.” In other words, sit on it until all the nasty Republicans go away. “But whether they will find more, it doesn’t seem to be highly likely.”
According to an IRS whistleblower:
David Weiss tried to bring charges in the Central District of California against Hunter Biden.
The request was denied.
That just so happened to correspond with the confirmation of the Biden appointee to the U.S. Attorney, Martin Estrada. pic.twitter.com/QSwsl0Ysyd
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 23, 2023
It’s like buying a ticket for the lotto. There is a chance you could get rich. Once in a while people do. “Certainly new charges could be brought, but they would have to be brought on the basis of new evidence,” Hockett added.
The biggest hope conservative Americans have is a judge who’s smart enough to question the slap on the wrist penalties. Nobody is holding their breath. “Once a judge approves the deal and it’s finalized, then no additional charges can be brought later on the basis of the evidentiary record that we currently have.”
Ongoing or not, the investigation is over and Hunter will walk away spotless. Along with the bribery and money laundering allegations, all the other potential charges, including working as an unregistered lobbyist in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act disappear in a puff of crack smoke. It really pays to hire expensive lawyers, Abbe Lowell smirks.