At the southern border right now, we are averaging about 7,000 encounters a day.
When Title 42 expires, if it is permitted to be ended, that number will probably double.
After two years of this some liberal media members are finally starting to realize this is a mess.
MSNBC anchor José Diaz-Balart is now among those calling out Biden, albeit not as forcefully as we would like.
Diaz-Balart called it a humanitarian crisis, so at least they are finally starting to get it.
That wording scares me, though, because I know they are looking for this administration to figure out a way to help illegal border crossers rather than toss them out.
Diaz-Balart stated, “What a just tragic humanitarian crisis.
“We just heard some of the horror stories that people face just when they get to Mexico and trying to get to the U.S.
“They’re being kidnapped, starved, raped, extorted, that’s just in Mexico … where is the urgency here?
“Where is the outrage that men, women and children are going through hell?
“And it seems as though unless there is some political aspect to this, there’s no outrage, there’s no focus.”
How about the border towns that are now bursting at the seams because of Joe Biden’s policies?
If you have seen photos of El Paso, TX, then you have seen the hundreds of people living on the streets that have no way of taking care of themselves.
These people are not getting a better life when they come here right now because we do not have it to give to them.
They pay their life savings to get here, they get processed, then they get released on the streets because the shelters are full.
Drugs, guns, human trafficking, kidnapping, rape… this is all on Joe Biden right now, and the media is finally starting to realize that.
Source: Daily Caller