If you need proof the left has completely lost its mind, we have the story for you.
Remember that mass shooting at an Indiana mall a few days ago?
Unless I am understanding something wrong, the liberal horde sounds like they want the kid that stopped the shooter prosecuted.
Are They Nuts?
The ladies on “The View” were discussing the incident.
They were clearly perturbed that a “good Samaritan” that was carrying stopped the gunman inside of 15 seconds.
Their reasoning… the mall had signs for no weapons being allowed.
Mind you, that is not breaking the law, just not obeying their request, which, I might add, the lunatic also disregarded.
One of the ladies also seemed upset that the young man was capable of hitting a moving target.
I wish I were joking here, but they were more upset about this kid taking out the mass shooter and hitting his target than they were regarding the mass shooter…
Is that the most insane thing you have ever heard in your life?
How the heck did we get to this point in society?
They are so desperate to outlaw concealed carry for law-abiding citizens, they are trying to criminalize a hero.
Source: Fox News