The Attorney General of the Biden-Harris regime keeps making statements about the perils of White Nationalists and their being “the most dangerous threat to our democracy.” and that running them down is his “top priority”. Clearly this is to the exclusion of all else, because while he was busy making press statements: News broke this week that the Colonial Pipeline Company was compelled by the government’s inaction to pay a $4.4 million ransom to a gang of Russian hackers known as “Darkside” after the May 7th cyberattack crippled fuel supplies up and down the east coast for over a week.
Deliberately Blind To Every REAL Threat
It would seem that the ever-growing threat of BLM and Antifa domestic terrorism isn’t threat enough to garner AG Garland’s attention and neither is Foreign terrorism from Russia, or intel ops on American soil by China! (Remember: Fang fang and Congressman Swalwell?) But no, don’t worry about any of that. No you worry about those scary White Supremacists, who overwhelmingly have almost zero racist or White Supremacist views for some reason….
According to The Colorado Sentinel,
“Colonial Pipeline said Wednesday that after it learned of the May 7 ransomware attack, the company took its pipeline system offline and needed to do everything in its power to restart it quickly and safely, and made the decision then to pay the ransom.
“This decision was not made lightly,” but it was one that had to be made, a company spokesman said. “Tens of millions of Americans rely on Colonial – hospitals, emergency medical services, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, airports, truck drivers and the traveling public.”
“I know that’s a highly controversial decision,” Blount told the Journal. “But it was the right thing to do for the country.”
Thousands of business and health providers around the world are hit with similar ransomware attacks every day, most don’t have such wide reaching implications and therefore don’t make the news. The Sentinel noted that the FBI discourages businesses from paying these ransoms. But with a feckless Department of Justice and Intelligence apparatus that are powerless to protect American businesses and indeed the American people overall, with 9,500 fuel stations empty on the third day: what choice did they have?