
How Were 100 People Diagnosed With Brain Tumors From The Same High School?!?

A medical mystery was unexpectedly discovered by a New Jersey man who was apparently able to connect 100 people diagnosed with uncommon cancers or tumors to a Woodbridge high school. When one previous student– now an ecological researcher– realized that people he knew from the school were getting ill, the link was just spotted.

Al Lupiano started investigating the connection between this uncommon medical diagnosis and the New Jersey High school they all went to. Lupiano has since confirmed a minimum of 110 graduates from Colonia High School that have actually all been identified with the unusual tumor.

Al Lupiano and wife Michelle

Al Lupiano exposed he had a brain growth 20 years ago prior to his wife had one as did his sibling who passed away in February aged only 44. All three attended the exact same high school in Woodbridge. He swore on his sibling’s deathbed he would reveal the reason for the health problem, including: ‘I will not rest until I have answers’.

Al Lupiano’s sister, Angela DeCillis

The 50-year-old claims the illness could be traced back to a close-by tasting plant that handled uranium for the very first atomic bomb under the Manhattan Project.

Lupiano was detected with a benign brain tumor in 1999 when he was 27 years of age– recognized something might be amiss when his wife and sister, who had both participated in the school, were each diagnosed with similar brain tumors.

In an effort to fix the secret behind these brain tumors, Lupiano determined 110 Colonia High School graduates who have actually likewise been identified with uncommon brain growths.

These growths are uncommon due to the fact that they are main brain growths, which implies they come from the brain, while secondary brain tumors, which come from the body and infect the brain, are more typical.

Lupiano likewise has actually spoken with citizens living near the high school who have actually called him reporting a “cluster” of comparable cancer cases in the vicinity.

Lupiano said in a statement:

“It’s overwhelming. … I’m doing this not only for my wife, my sister — my nieces are currently in the school — but this deserves further understanding. Further explanation of what occurred at that high school over these decades of people being in the building. I don’t think this is the end of the story. I have a really bad feeling we’re going to find contamination beyond the high school. There’s lots and lots of people calling me, saying, ‘Look, I didn’t go to the high school, but I live a mile away, and we call our block cancer alley.’”

Lupiano then creates one possible theory that triggers all these, the contamination originated from a close-by tasting plant that is now closed however formerly was a website for imported uranium ores that were  “imported for use in the nation’s early atomic energy program,” and were “shipped to other sites for processing,” as reported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

Lupiano reported:.

“[W]e have really solid data on primary brain tumors because of what we learned after World War Two, what we learned after Chernobyl. The medical journals are rich with data supporting ionizing radiation causes brain tumors. So that’s why I focused on cancerous or malignant and benign — because they’re triggered by the same thing, and we have really solid statistics to say all.”

One hundred percent Fedup kept in mind:.

Between the 1940s and 1967 – coincidentally the same year Colonia High School was built – the plant received shipments of uranium, thorium, and beryllium ores. And, while the plant reportedly “decontaminated to the standards in effect at the time,” there were “traces of radioactive materials that had been carried offsite over the years by wind and rain to yards of neighboring homes.”

The USACE also reports that in 1948, “some radioactively contaminated materials had been trucked from the plant to the Middlesex Municipal Landfill (MML), one-half mile away.” And, in the 1980s, “the excavated soil was stored at the site in a specially constructed pile, known as the Vicinity Properties (VP) pile.” This soil could have been transported to Colonia High School and used in its construction in 1967.

In a joint declaration launched by The New Jersey Departments of Health (DOH) and Environmental Protection (DEP) who are presently examining the obvious cancer cluster, mentioned:

“Our agencies are aware of the concerns raised by local residents, particularly as they relate to Colonia High School, and are partnering with Mayor McCormac and Woodbridge Township to better understand the issue and determine whether any relevant environmental exposure concerns are present at the site. The Departments stand ready to assist Woodbridge in reviewing any environmental data it collects to determine appropriate next steps.

The Department of Health will work with the federal Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to provide an assessment of the potential health effects. If there are any potential environmental exposure pathways identified and a need for further environmental sampling, the state Health Department will work cooperatively with ATSDR to conduct a public health assessment and evaluate the potential for health effects.”

H/T Patriot Nation Press

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