I am going to need everyone to access their memory cards from last week.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had FBI Director Wray in the hot seat.

Time was running out and Grassley wanted Wray to give the committee a few extra minutes.

Wray did not, stating, “Senator, I had a flight that I’m supposed to be high-tailing it to outta here, and I had understood that we were going to be done at 1:30, so that’s how we ended up where we are.”

It sounds like urgent business, right?

It sounds like he has to get out of town now, even though the FBI has a private jet for such matters.

Wrong on all accounts!


The urgent matter… Wray needed to join his family at his New York vacation home.

He flew for more than an hour, on the FBI Gulfstream, leaving a congressional hearing, so he could start his vacation.

Go get some estimates online to lease a jet for that trip and you will see we are talking five figures.

Not only that, but let’s also talk about the carbon the plane emits to get him to vacation.

It is literally spitting in the face of the American taxpayer, again, with rules for thee but not for me.

At the very least, Republicans want to know if he has paid for the trip and will hold him accountable if he has not.

A group led by Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) wrote, “You reportedly departed on the FBI’s Gulfstream 550 jet, an agency aircraft initially intended for counterterrorism use, to make the one hour and 12-minute journey to Saranac Lake. Further, it has been reported that you made a similar personal trip on a government aircraft on June 2 and June 5, 2022.

“Although certain federal officials are permitted to use government aircraft for personal or political use, these expenses must be reimbursed. According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), past FBI directors have used government aircraft for personal use as is permissible.

“These former officials reimbursed federal taxpayers at the commercial rate, which can be thousands of dollars less than the actual cost of operating the government aircraft. Reimbursement payments for personal travel are made to the FBI Finance Division, which in turn deposits the funds to the Department of the Treasury.”

If you were wondering, Wray can afford to pay that bill because he is worth more than $20 million (he “only” makes about $170,000/yr as FBI Director).

My guess is that we will get some lame excuse or Wray will write a check after the fact for appearances, but that is simply not good enough.

I don’t know about you, but I am getting a little sick and tired of these elitist bureaucrats tripping the life fantastic while we are fighting for the crumbs.

We need change people, big change, and we need to make that happen in November, with even bigger changes in 2024.

Source: Fox News

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