FBI Cover-Up Revealed

On February 21st, 1965 Malcolm X born as Malcolm Little and later known as Malik el-Shabazz was assassinated in New York City. New reports suggest a conspiracy between the FBI, NYPD and possibly the Nation of Islam led to his death. A Civil Rights activist, Black Nationalist and Leader of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm became the target of his own organization when stories spread that he had impregnated several young women in violation of his own teachings on the sanctity of marriage. His home was later firebombed.

Malcolm X was set to speak at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights but his two security guards had been arrested earlier that day, having been implicated in the foiled Statue of Liberty bombing plot. Seconds after Malcolm took the podium, he was shot and killed.

A Deathbed Confession Reveals Alleged FBI Coverup

A letter has emerged dated January 25, 2011 that alleges an NYPD/FBI Conspiracy to assassinate Malcolm X .

The Guardian wrote,

“The letter, written by Raymond Wood, was authorized for posthumous release by a cousin. It was read on Saturday at a press conference attended by three of X’s daughters and members of Wood’s family. No details about the circumstances and timing of Wood’s death were provided.”

“Under the direction of my handlers,” the letter states, “I was told to encourage leaders and members of the civil rights groups to commit felonious acts.”

The FBI did not comment. In 2011, an NYPD detective involved wrote: “The investigation was botched.”

An ABC News report expanded on the plot,

“Wood’s handler devised the arrest of two of Malcolm X’s “key” security detail members in a plot to bomb the Statue of Liberty days before his 1965 assassination, Wood wrote. The plot involved three members of a Black “terrorist group” and a Canadian woman who were planning to dynamite the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell and the Washington Monument, the New York Times reported on Feb. 16, 1965.”

“It was my assignment to draw the two men into a felonious federal crime, so that they could be arrested by the FBI and kept away from managing Malcolm X’s door security on February 21, 1965,” Wood wrote. “… At that time I was not aware that Malcolm X was the target.”

Nation of Islam Involvement

Three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of his murder. Louis Farrakhan even acknowledged the organizations’ role in el-Shabazz’s death during a 1993 speech when he said,

“Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats.”

Farrakhan later stated that some things he said may have led to the assassination during a 60 minutes interview in 2000, he denied ordering the murder a few days later however.

Claims of Wrongful Conviction and Conspiracy

Talmadge Hayer aka Thomas Hagan, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson were convicted of the murder in March 1966. Hayer confessed at trial but professed Butler and Johnson’s innocence. This seems to be reflected in Wood’s letter where according to TMZ he,

“claims that he was ordered to be at the Audubon on Feb. 21, where he says he was ID’d by witnesses while fleeing. He claims Thomas (15X) Johnson was later arrested and wrongfully convicted in connection to Malcolm’s killing … to protect his own cover and the “secrets of the FBI and NYPD.”

Taken together these reports suggest that the FBI and NYPD had intelligence suggesting the Nation of Islam were seeking to assassinate Malcolm X and merely facilitated it by entrapping his security guards to create a vulnerability the NOI could exploit. Or even potentially that the FBI/NYPD and Nation of Islam were collaborating to bring an end to a common problem.

All three men served lengthy sentences and were since paroled, Hayer in 2010, Butler in 1985 and Johnson in 1987. Johnson died in 2005. TMZ recalls that Malcolm was gunned down by three men, fatally suffering 21 shots.

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