DOJ Quietly Dismissed Charges Against 31 Violent Antifa Terrorists


The Department of Justice under the Biden-Harris regime has since the conclusion of the January 6th Capitol riot made it a point to pump out information at a high volume and rapid pace whenever there are ANY arrests, charges, indictments, plea deals or convictions for those who found themselves on the wrong side of a barrier many of them didn’t even know was there. But oh so quietly… in March of 2021, the DoJ dismissed charges against 31 violent Antifa terrorists who clashed with federal agents in 2020.

Kyle Iboshi of KGW8 in Portland reported,

“KGW reviewed federal court records and found 31 of the 90 protest cases have been dismissed by the U.S. Department of Justice, including a mix of misdemeanor and felony charges. Some of the most serious charges dropped include four defendants charged with assaulting a federal officer, which is a felony. More than half of the dropped charges were “dismissed with prejudice,” which several former federal prosecutors described as extremely rare. “Dismissed with prejudice” means the case can’t be brought back to court.”

This action flew directly in the face of the chest-thumping statement provided by Billy J. Williams, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon who claimed, “There will be consequences for acts of violence. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to prosecuting people who impede or assault law enforcement officers, damage federal property, and set fire to buildings. Make no mistake: those who commit violence in the name of protest, will be investigated, arrested, prosecuted, and face prison time. Already more than 100 people have been arrested and more than 80 people are facing federal charges related to protest violence.”

The Two-Tiered Justice System,

Crimes Against Us Are Dismissed Vs. Crimes Against the Regime…

So… those consequences are that your charges will be dropped without prejudice so that you can never be charged for that crime again? Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C. we see and hear from the likes of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that the January 6th Defendants are being horrifically mistreated. She wrote in a statement of her findings,

“During a recent visit to the DC jail, Members of Congress were exposed to a two-tier justice system in which the January 6 defendants were treated categorically different from the remainder of the prison population. January 6 defendants reported being subjected to months of solitary confinement, verbal abuse (e.g., called “white supremacists”), harassment, beatings from guards, denial of basic medical care, religious services, communion, nutritious diet, and access to attorneys. They cannot participate in the educational programs offered to other inmates, including testing for a GED, obtaining a workplace license, or making progress on an undergraduate degree. While most of these inmates have no prior criminal history and have yet to be convicted of any crime, Landerkin is allowing them to be treated as subhuman.”

No we see the truth in Greene’s assessment, we are dealing with a truly two-tiered justice system, leniency, release and dismissal of charges for Antifa, BLM and leftists, severe overcharging, harsh penalties and solitary confinement for conservatives, libertarians and patriots.


  1. Our Tyrannical Government is showing its face more and more every day and must be stopped. The appointed President, his administration, all the way down to these prison guards, must be fired. We need to put President Trump back in the White House, take back both houses by a wide margin, fire all the RINOs and prosecute all the criminals against out Constitution to save this Country of OURS.


  3. We are done! When Conservative protesters are denied their 6th. and 8th. Amendment rights and Congress or the Dept. of Justice DOES NOTHING about it, we deserve everything they do to us.

  4. What else would you expect? The dept of injustice was MORE than happy to fund the democrats KKK on steroids, antifa! Soooooooooo why wouldn’t they drop the charges, they won’t punish their OWN paid goons!

  5. About right !!! The DOJ ARE A BUNCH BIDEN SUPPORTERS !!!!!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT FROM THEM !! The DOJ ,FBI and CIA should be disbanded because they don’t stand up for the USA!!!!!

  6. Just more proof that both Antifa and BLM are actually the SS of the Liberal Democrat Party and have cart blanch to loot,pillage,rape and commit murders and Arson with impunity. Funny how there is undeniable proof that more than 3 and possibly as many as 15 bus loads of Antifa were in fact escorted from Baltimore to the back of the Capital by the Baltimore police and the Maryland State Police where on arrival the barricades were removed to allow them access not just onto the Capital grounds but the doors to get inside the Capital were either held open or were unlocked by those same Capital Police Officers. Also why didn’t Nancy Plainlousy allow President Trump’s request for 10 thousand National Guard Troops or the fact that her Sgt. at Arms allowed less then a 20% Capital Police staffing that day. The answers are simple the Democrats as well as the FBI are 100% responsible for everything that happened

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