
China Given Greenlight by Biden

Biden recently sat down for another friendly interview with the media.

During that interview, Biden tried to downplay the Chinese spy balloon he allowed to travel across the country.

After his comments were made public, the general consensus was that Biden has more or less greenlit China to conduct more spying operations against our country.

No Big Deal

During his Telemundo interview, Biden stated, “I said I wanted it shot down as soon as possible, and they were worried about the damage that could be done even in a big state like Montana.

“This thing was gigantic.

“What happens if it came down and hit a school in a rural area?

“So I told them as soon as they could shoot it down, shoot it down.

“They made a wise decision.

“They shot it down over water, they’re recovering most of the parts, and they’re good.”

He continued, “The total amount of intelligence gathering that’s going on by every country around the world is overwhelming.

“It’s not a major breach… It’s a violation of international law.

“It’s our airspace.

“And once it comes into our space, we can do what we want with it.”

First, there were plenty of areas where the balloon could have been taken out and not hit a populated area.

Second, it is a big deal.

Another country violated our air space and was able to collect all the data it wanted before the balloon was taken out.

This is an epic failure on Biden’s part… there is simply no other way to explain this.

Source: Fox News

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