Breaking: COVID Snitch Line, Detainment Centers, and Enforcement Teams Being Rolled Out

Breaking: COVID Snitch Line, Detainment Centers and Enforcement Teams Being Rolled Out

New authoritarian COVID measures are being rolled out, including a snitch line, detainment centers, and enforcement teams.

Until recently, the Canadian province of Saskatchewan was one of the only areas in the country that was taking a somewhat reasonable approach to pandemic policy. Now, they are leaping to the top of the list of authoritarian enforcement.

Saskatchewan has created a user-friendly snitch line reporting system online for any citizen who wishes to report on their neighbors or businesses that violate government edicts on masking, proof of vaccination policies, or any other public health orders.

The province is also in the process of creating a COVID Enforcement Team, which will be made up mostly of retired police officers. The Enforcement Team will be helping to implement health orders, and assisting with transportation of citizens to an isolation site, which in this case would likely be the detainment facility being set up at a hospital in North Battleford.

Positions on the Enforcement Team are currently being offered for $38/hour, or approximately $79,000 per year full time. Similar positions throughout Canada have an average salary of between $70,000-$114,000 per year.

This will come at a huge cost for taxpayers, though they have no choice in the matter in a totalitarian country like Canada. The Canadian government cares so little for transparency that the 77 page document provided to the public about the project does not even include a full budget, nor an end date.

According to reporting from Canadian news outlet Rebel News:

“There is also no end date provided, nor a description of the metrics that will be used to determine when these measures will be necessary until — is it a certain number of cases? Hospitalization stats? Also, what if the government instead spent this money on directly funding extra measures, training, etc. in health care?

So the question is — among many others — will this actually help citizens improve their health outcomes, as promised? Or is this just another way to divide us, place blame and punish citizens who do not comply?”

How long will it be until totalitarian states in the United States follow in Canada’s footsteps? These kinds of policies sound like a dream come true for the tyrants in California, New York, and many left-wing cities around the country.

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