Bill Maher Hammers Bernie Sanders into Submission

Bill Maher has been fun to watch post-Trump.

When Trump was in office, he was unbearable, but he has not shown Joe Biden the love most other media personalities have done.

Maher has since reversed course, calling out Democrats for all the lies they told.

This time, it was Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who got schooled and made to look like a fool.

I Don’t Know

The two big words for the Democrat Party these days are equality and equity.

Most of us would agree on equality, whereas equity is putting some serious weight on the scale.

Maher hit Sanders on this exact point, getting Sanders to admit that he really does not understand the points he is pushing.

Maher asked, “Are we confusing equality of opportunity with trying to guarantee equity in outcomes?

“I think this word ‘equity’ has come into the language in the last few years and before that we didn’t hear it a lot. And I think a lot of people hear ‘equity’ and they hear ‘equality’ like it’s the same word, but it’s not the same word and the same concept.”

He then directly asked Sanders, “So how would you differentiate between equity and equality?”

Sanders responded, “Well equality, we talk about – uh, I don’t know what the answer to that is.”

This was the reaction online…

Political commentator Dave Rubin added, “This should officially end the Bernie Sanders Grift.

“It shouldn’t end because he’s a fraud and anyone with half a brain knew it.

“It should end because he doesn’t know the difference between equity/equality, then fumbles out that he’s for equality…despite his entire socialist progressive exercise built on equity.”

Sanders has been pushing this narrative for decades, and he literally admitted that he has no clue what it means… it is literally just a talking point.

Let me help you, Bernie.

Equality means that everyone gets an equal chance and the best man wins the jobs.

Equity identifies the circumstances that would lead to one person falling short and changing the rules to obtain an exact outcome, such as awarding bonus points to questions for race, gender, and such.

You are literally tilting the scales to get the outcome you wanted rather than having the most qualified individual take the honors.

In about 15 seconds, Bill Maher destroyed Bernie Sanders’ entire career.

Source: Fox News

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