Joe Biden recently went to Saudi Arabia where he bro bumped a man he called a pariah.

This was done to try to secure more oil.

Today we found out that Joe Biden failed.

No More Oil

Biden wanted OPEC to significantly increase its production to help lower gasoline prices domestically.

The Biden administration has equated OPEC with terrorists, holding the world hostage for oil.

I am not even saying he is wrong, but you cannot tell people you want to drive them out of business and call them pariahs, then expect a favor from them.

OPEC knows it has us over a barrel, and it would prefer to keep us there.

So, it will increase production by 100,000 barrels a day, which, according to experts, is less than two minutes of global supply.

Reuters accuses OPEC of “insulting” Joe Biden, kind of like he did to them, I guess.

This is crushing news for Biden, who absolutely refuses to allow the American oil industry to expand.

Until they have some faith the industry will not be crushed, they have no desire to invest more money in production and refining.

This, my friends, is a big problem.

Gas prices have tumbled a bit, but the fixes that made that happen were merely band-aids that will be exhausted before long.

Even with the lowered prices, most of us are still paying close to $2 more per gallon than we were when Joe took over.

The fix is right before his eyes, but Joe will never give in for fear of upsetting the radical left that put him into office.

Source: Breitbart

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