The domestic terrorist group, Antifa, is on another round of vicious attacks against Conservatives, Christians and Jews.
Antifa Strikes Again
Recently, Antifa launched an attack on New York City’s Metropolitan Republican Club. This GOP base is located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side was vandalized by the terrorists and was targeted due to their support of President Trump and its celebrations of Christmas and Hanukkah.
“I am deeply disturbed and disgusted at this attack,” club president Ian Walsh Reilly told Fox News.
“Republicans are in a situation where we can come together under social guidelines and hold an election night party that went off flawlessly,” he explained. “We were then having a celebration of religion, of Christianity and Judaism and their holidays, and that was the date they chose to attack the Met Club. It shows such intolerance from the very people who say they are anti-fascist.”
The GOP club holds a “Christmas and Hanukkah Social” every year where they announced, “Tis the Season to be of Good Cheer and gather with your fellow Republicans at the Met Club to Celebrate the Holidays Together!”
Domestic Terrorists Continue to Run Amuk
When people began showing up to celebrate, they were faced with graffiti sprayed across the building by Antifa anarchists. The words “You’re Canceled” were spayed across the doors. The symbol Antifa uses was also spayed on the building.
To make matters worse, black bags symbolizing dead bodies of non-White victims of coronavirus were left on the sidewalk.
Religious Views Attacked
The New York City police are reportedly looking into the crimes which involve targeting the group for its political and religious affiliations.
“We do openly put the words Christmas and Hanukkah in the title of the party because we should be open and honest. This is a celebration of two wonderful religions, and as the club is the most visible symbol of the Republican party in New York City, a city that is becoming more and more intolerant of opposing opinions, I am afraid that is going to continue,” Reilly said.