
Anti Vaccine Mandate Protest Wins Freedom in Swing State, This is How it’s Done America [Details]

The people of New Hampshire, deep in heavily Democrat New England, in a swing state that flipped narrowly to the Dems in the last five elections but is still deeply Republican at the state level, shocked the nation on October 14th by rejecting $27 million in funding from the Biden-Harris regime for the COVID19 vaccine. The main reason? The funding came with some serious strings attached, requiring a vaccination mandate. New Hampshire citizens continued to protest vociferously and the members of the State’s Executive Council listened, striking down the deal. The Executive council is an interesting body, with the purpose of providing advice and consent as a counterbalance to the Governor, the council has veto power over the Governor on pardons, nominations, and contracts with a value over $10,000 which provided them jurisdiction in this case.

“I’ve already voted against it once,” stated Joe Kenney, (R) New Hampshire, Executive Councilor. “Again, my concern is the central vaccine registration mandates in the contract and I don’t want to see the Biden administration dictate to New Hampshire what it should do and what it shouldn’t do.”

As at least five people were arrested for making verbal outbursts during the proceedings but four council members of five voted “no” on the contract which makes New Hampshire the first state to reject Federal Funding to push the vaccination. Governor Chris Sununu(“R”[INO]) was urged by the council and Councilor Dave Wheeler, in particular, to “stand up like the governor of Texas.”

According to US News,

“Councilor Cinde Warmington, the lone Democrat on the council, cast her colleagues’ votes as political pandering to a “small, misinformed minority.”

“Rejecting these funds would impede people who want to get the vaccine or boosters to readily access them, it would place additional burdens on our already stressed health care system and our health care workers, it would delay our recovery from this pandemic and it would prevent the full recovery of our businesses and our schools,” she said.”

Sununu was not pleased with the veto from the council and responded to Councilor Kenney, “I appreciate that you have concerns, but they’re based on fantasy,” Sununu said. “You reject these federal dollars, the federal government doesn’t put it in a savings account. … They’re going to send it to New York and California. The dollars are ours, for programs we already implemented,” said Sununu. “So to say no makes no logical sense whatsoever.”

Sununu later said the vote showed a “reckless disregard for the lives we’re losing.”

The People Of New Hampshire Have Spoken Clearly:

No Vaccine Mandates

Gov. Sununu and Councilor Warmington may be displeased, but the people of New Hampshire spoke clearly. The activist group Rebuild New Hampshire was reportedly a large influence on the Council’s decision. The people held signs saying  “FIGHT MEDICAL TYRANNY” and “THE FINAL VARIANT IS CALLED COMMUNISM,” and turned their backs on the councilors in silent protest.

Andrew J. Manuse chairman of RebuildNH wrote in an Op-Ed for the Concord Monitor,

“New Hampshire cannot commit to a contract that forces the state to give up its sovereignty & violate its own constitution. Any official who votes for such a thing is in violation of the law & ought to be held accountable.”

Devon Dukelow, who attended the protest told the press “Even though they arrested people for practicing their First Amendment rights, in the end, the people got what we wanted,” he said. “The Constitution is not being adhered to, and Gov. Sununu, we see what he’s really about.”

“I don’t care about other states,” one man said as he was arrested. “This is the Live Free or Die state.”


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